Page 120 of Beautiful Ascension

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Creeping closer, I peer down at my sock-clad feet, glad I opted out of putting on shoes.

“Shay,” Ariah gasps in faux shock before she bursts into giggles.

“What? Don’t act like you aren’t eager to have one of them shift your womb,” Shay retorts.

Inching even closer, I stop at the edge of the entrance to the living room, waiting for her response.

“I’ve been so fucking horny. It’s like my libido is supercharged, knowing the guys are around,” Ariah replies, and I smirk.

The image of her spread before me as I make her come for the third time pops into my head. She won’t have that issue for much longer. I won’t be surprised if Wyatt sneaks into her room tonight.

“Just let me know when yuh plan fi ride the cocky so I can pop in my earplugs.”

Ariah bursts into laughter as they continue their conversation. I wait for them to move on to another topic before finally announcing my presence.

“Ladies,” I greet.

Ariah’s stormy gray irises glance up as she smiles. “Bash,” she breathes, and I fight to keep a tent from rising in my sweatpants. She must see the hunger for her burning in my eyes.

“Okay, you two. Cut it out. Save the seduction for when I’m not sitting right here.” Shay snickers, waving her hand and severing our connection.

Turning, I quirk my brow, and Shay mirrors my action.

“Don’t give me that look, Sebastian Grant. You can have Ariah time later.”

Snorting, I shake my head. “Fine,” I grumble, holding my hands up in mock surrender. “I need to talk to Wes anyway.” I glance at Ariah once more before crossing the room and heading to the basement.

When I find him, Wes is cleaning his ink in one of the back rooms.

“How’s everything going upstairs?” he asks, applying the ointment to the half-sleeve tattoo.

I study the amazing design Owen created. The primarily grayscale piece masterfully displays an intricate pattern, creating the illusion of smoke before it morphs into the profile of the woman we love. Haunting silver eyes stare a hole through your soul as embers fall, illuminating a hand partially covered with half a lioness—the jaw drops, exposing razor-sharp teeth as she roars. The symbolism is not lost on me.

“Has she seen it yet?” I probe, earning me his pointed glare.

“Has she seen yours?” Wes fires back.

Absentmindedly, I reach for my left rib. It’s not time to reveal mine.

“Point taken.”

We each got personalized tattoos last week when Allinah and her team from Hel’s Ink came. Lev had to be sedated. He’s getting better, but it’s still the only way he can endure being touched.

“I’m sure we’ll all reveal them to her soon enough.” He pauses, pumping hand soap into his palm. “I don’t want her to think it’s a ploy for her to forgive me. I won’t tell her until we’ve talked.”

I nod. I’ve never seen Wes like this with anyone. Not even his mother, who is the only other person he’s not a complete dick to.

“You know she’ll forgive you, right?” I have to ask him.

“I’m not as sure about that as you all seem to be.”

Sighing, I rub the back of my neck. Wes has been the hardest on himself for not seeing Samantha for the threat she is. She was supposed to be a gnat that would disappear once we made our final pick. He underestimated her—we all did. A mistake we’ll never repeat.

“Wes. She’s read the journal. I’m sure she understands why.”

“Do you know the fucked up part of this?” Wes growls, whipping around to face me—his chest heaving as his nostrils flare. “I’m not letting her go. Even if she never forgives me. Even when I told her I would—I wouldn’t—I couldn’t. There isn’t a fiber of my being or an alternative universe where Ariah Bradford isn’t mine. She’s my forever girl.”

He pulls up the cameras. An image of Ariah still talking with Shay appears on the screen mounted to the jet-black wall. I stand, watching the woman who restarted my heart, pushing me to deal with my demons, from across the room, laughing with Shay.
