Page 127 of Beautiful Ascension

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Ariah flutters around me, and I slip my two digits out, scooping the evidence of our combined pleasure up. Then I lay on my side next to her, resting on my forearm. I coat one of her nipples in our cum before taking it into my mouth. I suck until she’s a quivering wreck, then lift my head and press my lips on hers.

She allows herself to get lost, and I’m preparing to fuck her again when she bites me. “Shit,” I hiss. “You bit me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you think our conversation was over because you made me come?” Ariah begins. “You barged in here to talk. So let’s talk.”

I clench my jaw but nod. “Okay, fine. Let me clean you up first.” I stand. “Climb up on the bed. I’ll be right back.”

By the time I grab a washcloth, wet it with warm water, and stride back into the room, Ariah’s leaning back on her pillows. I position myself between her spread thighs and start to wipe when she speaks.

“You don’t realize how much what you all did hurt me,” she states. “Like, I don’t let people in, and I let all of you in. Then, you proceeded to shatter me.”

I drop the rag on the nightstand and lie next to her before enveloping her in my arms. “But now you know why and understand that it had to happen. I don’t understand why you’re having such difficulty seeing why I had to choose Sam and why we had to stay away. Both yours and Owen’s lives were at stake.”

Ariah attempts to pull from my hold, but I hold her tighter.

Huffing, she looks away from me. “I just don’t want to feel railroaded,” she mumbles, slumping her shoulders.

Slipping my knuckle under her chin, I lift her face to peer into my eyes. “That’s not at all what I want to do. None of us want that. Ariah, you’re a force—not some pretty princess locked up in a tower waiting for some fairytale princes to save her. But you also have to understand the spot we were in.”

Her lips part, ready to speak, but I place my index finger on them and continue, “Owen, the brother none of us could save all those years ago, was taken again. He was taken, and the demand to get him back alive was giving you up. It was never going to be permanent. You’re my forever. I needed to move accordingly. None of them knew. My jaw remembers that fact vividly.”

“Wes,” she starts, leaning into my touch. “I was never mad about your choice to save Owen and keep him safe after he returned. It’s just like I said before. I don’t want the men in my life treating me like some damsel in constant need of saving. Who knows, I’ll probably be the one saving you.”

I arch a brow. “Is that so, Miss Bradford?”

“What? Don’t think I can save you, Wes?” She smirks, and I brush her hair out of her face.

I love seeing her like this, properly fucked and carefree. Her smile grows when she sees me watching her, and I want everything to stay like this. No outside bullshit while we celebrate her and our babies.

Babies. I still can’t believe we’re going to be parents. There have been moments when I’ve wondered who the father is. I have a feeling, but I can’t be sure.

Samantha tampering with the condoms in my nightstand drawer still pisses me off. We’re so young, and Samantha stole the choice from us, but she can’t steal our love for the twins and their mother.

Ariah stills, and I watch as her focus shifts to my arm. Her gaze volleys between my tattoo and my face a few times before she finally speaks. “That’s. . . you got a. . . that’s a—” I smirk at her loss for words.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispers as I admire her. She is the lioness—fiercely loyal, majestic, and protective of her pride.

Cupping her jaw, I run my thumb over her lips before bending and gently kissing them. “I wanted to capture the beauty in your strength. Something that symbolizes how I see you,” I explain when I break our connection.

Ariah tilts her chin up, studying me. “You have such a way with words, Wes. I truly love it,” she confesses, and I get lost in her captivating silvery eyes—eyes that have witnessed so much but remain steadfast.

“Are you still with me there, big guy?” Ariah teases, snapping me from my thoughts. I chuckle as I lift her, positioning her to straddle my lap.

I can’t say I ever thought I’d like the idea of fucking a baby into my woman and watching her belly grow our children, but fuck if my dick isn’t hard again at the thought.

“There’s no place I’d rather be,” I murmur, bending and capturing her nipple in my mouth.

She groans, grinding her bare pussy against my erection as she tugs my hair, pressing my face into her breast.

Ariah’s hips roll, moving faster up and down my shaft, and I can feel her arousal coating my cock.

“Fuck,” she whimpers, her breath hitching when I bite her nipple.

Needing more, I grab my length, pulling my mouth from her breasts as I thrust up into her, impaling her on my cock.

Ariah gasps, throwing her head back as I piston in and out of her as I growl, “That’s exactly what I plan to do.”

