Page 128 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Do we remember the rules,” Reign asks, narrowing his glare on us.

“We’re not five, asshat. There’s no need to go over security protocol for the tenth time,” Sebastian snaps.

It’s the first day back to class, and I’m already feeling stabby. I’m convinced Elias, Fernando, and Reign have a death wish.

“Apparently, you are because one of the first things we covered was not giving us a hard time. Ariah’s safety is number one. Everything and everyone else is inconsequential,” Reign retorts.

We’re all standing in the middle of the entryway, arguing over the semantics for when we’re on campus. “And what, you think we want something different?” Wes sneers.

“No, but we know you’re all prone to rash decisions, and we can’t afford that,” Elias explains, checking his watch before he continues. “We need to be out of here in the next fifteen minutes. Just do what you’re told, and we won’t have any issues today.”

Tilting my head, I study the pricks ordering us around. Elias, Reign, and Fernando continue to rattle off their rules. Don’t go anywhere unguarded. Don’t try to slip the security detail. Wait for us to clear all buildings, rooms, and vehicles. And on and on they go. My hand twitches at my side, itching to pull Mary’s ornate handle from its holster. It’s been too long since she’s tasted blood, and I think it’s time to rectify that—starting with these fucks.

“Can we hurry this along?” Wyatt demands, smirking at all of us like he’s in on some secret none of us are aware of. “It’s a waste of all our breaths to continue to debate this. Thomas has outlined what needs to be done. We’ll follow those protocols. Save the bickering for something that hasn’t already been agreed upon.”

“Exactly,” Ariah states, and I turn in time to see her and Shay walk down the stairs. “We’ll follow the rules, and you’ll all stop the alpha pissing contest so we can get to school.”

Sharp gray eyes survey the room as she descends the final step. She’s fucking breathtaking. She’s wearing black leggings, a cream-colored sweater with a collar that droops enough to see her delicious freckled skin, and knee-high burnt orange leather boots. Her body is changing, and I’m pissed I missed the first signs—time we’ll never get back—my jaw clenches at the reminder of time lost.

“Won’t you?” Ariah persists when none of us respond to her reprimand.

“As long as it keeps you safe. Otherwise, all bets are off,” Wes declares as Ariah and Shay stand by the table. Wes hardens his gaze when Ariah meets his stare head-on. A silent exchange passes between them, making me smile.

Since the night Wes and Ariah had their fight, he’s been different—they both have. The electricity passing between them is infectious, and I have to remember to control my dick.

Wes flexes his jaw, refusing to back down while Ariah meets his eyes in challenge. I feel like a voyeur watching their exchange as the silence between them stretches, making my cock lengthen uncomfortably.

“We need to go,” Sebastian announces, breaking the spell.

Ariah blinks, and her cheeks flush scarlet as awareness of the people around the room observing them sets in.

“I’ll meet you assholes in the car,” Ariah mutters, tugging Shay’s hand and stomping off. Fernando and Elias quickly move to precede them.

“Don’t take long. We need enough time to check her classroom,” Reign instructs, then turns, leaving us inside.

Sebastian scowls at Reign’s retreating form. “Dibs on Reign,” he huffs, and I snort. Though the idea is extremely tempting, and their deaths play on a loop in my head, they keep my angel safe. So, for now, they remain alive.

“You’re all still letting them get to you. They aren’t, nor have they ever been, a threat to us,” Wyatt begins, sliding his arm through the straps of his backpack. “Everything they’ve done has been to make all of us pay for the hurt we, intentionally or unintentionally, caused her.”

Wyatt’s halfway to the front door when Lev clears his throat. “You’ve always known who they were to her but never said a word,” Lev states. His statement isn’t accusatory. It’s more of a confirmation. Wyatt always holds information about Ariah close to his chest until he believes we’re worthy enough to share.

Pausing, Wyatt peers over his shoulder. “Most of you are only just getting your heads out of your asses.” His hand wraps around the door handle. “Now, don’t fuck it up, and then I won’t have to keep shit from you.” Then, he steps through the door, leaving us to stew.

“We seriously need to tie his ass up,” Wes mutters as he whirls around and exits the house.

I’d agree if I didn’t know Wyatt has only the best intentions for Ariah. We all do, and we all have and will continue to take care of her. I am going to nick the smug fucker, though.

“That’s it. I’m sending a virus that shouts, ‘I like butt sex’ to Wyatt’s cellphone,” Lev exclaims as we funnel out behind Wes to the convoy of waiting SUVs.

The day is passing by with no issues. In fact, it’s been how the entire first semester should’ve gone—Ariah by our sides as we laugh and walk across campus for the dining hall, showing everyone just how much she’s the center of our universe, and Samantha making herself scarce, hopefully to the point of no return.

“Wait here. Let us scan the cafe before you all go in,” Fernando orders. He’s holding his arm up to prevent us from walking inside, and I have to suppress an eye roll.

“Behave,” Ariah whispers, grinning up at me. I return her gorgeous smile with my own. This moment, right here, makes every scar I suffered at the hands of Senator Baker’s lackeys worth it. I’d bear four times as many as long as it means I’m here now.

Clasping her chin, I lean down and press my lips against her supple blush-pink ones. I sigh when she eagerly returns my affection, her body molding against mine, and groan when I have to pull back. “Never letting you go,” I murmur, nipping her lip before I resignedly lift my head.

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