Page 57 of Beautiful Ascension

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“What is he doing here?” Fernando mutters, and I turn in time to see Sebastian as he walks in behind Dr. Monroe.

His navy button-up shirt and dark wash denim jeans appear painted on against his sculpted physique. He surveys the room until his gaze locks on me as if I’m who he’s looking for.

Sebastian stiffens, his pristine white teeth clenching, highlighting one of my favorite features. . . his jawline. Even covered in stubble, the sharp, angular set of Sebastian’s cheekbones is something I could ogle for hours.

“If I had to guess, he’s probably weaseled his way into being a teacher’s assistant or something. He’s been on campus a lot more in the last couple of weeks,” Reign states. “I’ll look into it after this, but I’m sure we’ll get our answers soon enough.”

Reign, Elias, and Fernando talk amongst themselves. I’m, however, frozen in place. I can feel my skin heat as Sebastian’s undivided attention grips me, burrowing through my defenses. Months of fortifications are obliterated by one look.

My pulse thrums as my breath hitches. Do I dare to hope?

Sebastian’s azure eyes study me for a moment longer before his nostrils flare, his lips curl, and his attention shifts.

You’re a fucking idiot. They hate you.

I want to kick myself for allowing myself to be vulnerable. To wish for men who almost broke me with the falsities. All it took was one heated gaze, and I was ready to present like a bitch in heat.

My shoulders slump. I thought he was seeking me out to greet me with a smile. Instead, it was another reminder that they’ve moved on. The look of disgust before he looked away was like a kick to the ribs.

“If I can get everyone’s attention to the front of the class, please.” Dr. Monroe waits for the room to grow quiet before she continues. “I want to introduce my TA for the year, Sebastian Grant. He’ll lead lectures twice a month and handle my office hours. If you have an issue that only I can address, please email me, and we’ll work out the best date and time to meet.” Dr. Monroe turns to him. “Sebastian, please introduce yourself.”

He clears his throat, “Good afternoon. As you’ve all heard, I’m Sebastian Grant. I’m glad I’ll have the opportunity to work with you over the semester.”

“That’s one gorgeous man,” a guy in the row in front of me stage whispers. Titters fill the room, and the back of the guy’s neck turns beet red as he sinks in his seat, realizing the entire class heard his outburst.

Looking up, I see Sebastian’s dangerous Colgate smile. The one that wields the power to make even the strongest-willed person melt. Something I know from personal experience. I know precisely what that mouth is capable of.

“Are you okay?” Reign leans in to ask.

Without turning, I reply, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“The very flushed look on your face. You look a little flustered,” he jests, and I’m half tempted to punch him in the shoulder.

Schooling my features, I retort, “It’s hot in here. I just need something to drink, is all.” But even I doubt the crap spewing from my mouth. I can’t imagine anyone who’d blame me. Sebastian is fucking hot. My pussy clenches at the memory of him making me count and the time he took me on the hood of a car while his cunt of an ex-girlfriend was tied to a chair and forced to watch.

I’m so lost in the vivid scenes playing out in my head I don’t hear my name being called.

“You really need to stop daydreaming. Your thoughts are screaming at me,” Elias teases, and Nando and Reign join in.

I flip the three of them the finger.

“Miss Bradford, would you care to share?” Sebastian asks. It’s more of a command than a question.”

Pausing, I weigh my options. Should I be a brat and test his limits publicly, or do I bury my pettiness?

Sebastian arches his wheat brow in a challenge, making my decision obvious.

“Nothing that concerns you, Sir,” I quip, quirking my brow.

I quickly glance at Dr. Monroe, preparing for my reprimand, but it never comes. Instead, she surprises me with a nod of what looks like pride.

“Is that so, spitfi—Miss Bradford?” Sebastian counters. The gravelly bass in his voice causes goosebumps to trail up my spine and my pussy to clench.

“Yes, Sir,” I retort, then I internally high-five myself when the muscles in Sebastian’s jaw tick.

He struggles to hide his reaction to my words, and I wonder if he remembers the times he had me at his feet.
