Page 58 of Beautiful Ascension

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A burst of laughter echoes off the walls, and I turn to the corner of the room where Wyatt sits, a Cheshire grin plastered on his face. His attention is already on me. Wyatt’s lips curl into a smirk when our gazes connect, and he winks at me.

My nose scrunches in confusion. I expected disdain, not amusement.

Don’t they hate me?

What if something else is at play?

I wonder, not for the first time, if I’m missing something. However, I don’t get the opportunity to process what this means before Dr. Monroe begins class.

“Open your books to page two hundred and thirty-seven. Today, we’ll be focusing on the interactionist theory,” she orders.

I open my text and try to follow along, but I’m distracted. My thoughts flit from interaction to interaction with the guys, hoping to glimpse anything I’ve missed. I’m so lost in my memories that I hear nothing about the tenets of the micro-sociology theory and don’t recognize that class has ended until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“Time to go, Daydreamer,” Elias teases with a knowing grin.

Glancing around the room, I confirm the lecture has ended, and we’re one of the last to leave. I also don’t miss that Wyatt and Sebastian are whispering in the front of the room, and with each stolen glance, it’s safe to assume the conversation pertains to me.

I’m tempted to stay and see what I can glean from their body language, but my phone vibrates. A calendar notification displays on the screen, reminding me I have a crucial meeting I can't miss.

“Thank you for your time. I look forward to the next time we meet,” I offer, standing and shaking each hand seated at the table.

“The pleasure is all ours, Miss Bradford. Should the situation in Edgewood not be handled, you’ll hear from us,” the woman explains.

Nodding, I bid one last farewell and turn to exit the room. Thomas opens the door to a waiting Reign and Elias stationed outside.

“How did it go?” Reign inquires.

“Not here,” Thomas commands. “We need to get Ariah safely back home first.”

I smile. “I missed your bossy ass, T.”

He shakes his head. “And I missed your stubborn one.”

Once we’re safely in the SUV, the ride home is short. My grandfather and dad were able to help coordinate this meeting near Lincolnville, about thirty minutes outside the city in North Brentwood. Far enough to be off the Fraternitas radar.

I’m barely through the door when my phone rings.

“Hey, Dad. We just got back.”

“Good. I was just checking on you. Your grandfather and I will be by tomorrow. Have the chef set the table for ten,” he instructs.

I bite the inside of my cheek, swallowing the protest building in my chest. I desperately want to discuss the outcome of the meeting, but we can’t risk anyone tapping the line and overhearing.

Inhaling, I finally respond. “Okay. I’ll see you all tomorrow, then.”

When a few seconds pass without a response, I pull the phone from my ear and check to see if the call is still connected.

My lips part, preparing to ask if everything’s okay when he finally speaks. “I’m proud of you, Ry. We’re closer to the end.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I reply, appreciating his encouragement. We say our goodbyes and then disconnect the call.

Kicking off my shoes, I contemplate if I want to go to the kitchen and grab a snack or fall into bed. I decide to head upstairs and shower before I find Shay. But locating her isn’t a problem. By the time I’m dressed in my matching black sleep shorts and tank, she’s already on my bed waiting.

“I know you can’t say much, but blink twice if everything worked out,” she requests.

“What are we in? A spy novel?” I joke.

She rolls her eyes. “You couldn’t humor me, even just a little bit?”
