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A frown took over my face. I hated the idea of her experiencing stress in any way.

She raised the paper bag to me. "I also had to get up early because I wanted to bring you this." She held it out to me.

"What is it?" It was warm. I peeked inside and saw a bagel with cream cheese and a cinnamon bun. I looked back at her with a smile.

"Breakfast." She smiled and handed me one of the cups of coffee as well. "Yesterday, you mentioned that you rarely got to eat breakfast, so I brought breakfast to you. I hope you like bagels. I bought it from this really nice coffee shop a few blocks away." Her smile turned shy.

I stared at the bag, unable to say anything. Sophia chattered on about the different food options at the coffee shop, but I stayed quiet.

She'd gotten me breakfast. It wasn't the most incredible thing in the world. It wasn't the nicest thing that had ever been done, but it still made my heart beat slightly faster, because it came from Sophia.

"Thank you." She stopped talking. "Although you didn't have to get me breakfast just because-"

"I wanted to. Consider it as a thank you for taking me home."

"You don't have to thank me for that."

"I wanted to."

I nodded at her. "Well, thank you."

We walked into the building side by side. There were only a few other employees present. Patricia, Charlie, and a few members of the cleaning crew.

Sophia and I walked into the elevator. She glanced over at me licking her bottom lip and gave me a little wink. My heart skipped a beat. I needed her, all of her. I pushed the button for the top floor. We stood in silence as we began moving.

Usually, whenever we were able to get even five minutes alone, we'd be all over each other. Especially when it was this early and the rest of my employees hadn't arrived yet.

Fingers would tangle up in hairs. Hands would wander. Hot kisses would be exchanged.

We both thrived on the excitement of it. The few seconds we had for it. The high risk of being caught fueled our desire. Today, we just stood staring wordlessly at the closed elevator doors. As we got off the elevator, I caught her checking me out. I couldn’t help but smile as I licked my lips, hoping to drive her crazy. Her blushing cheeks gave me butterflies; I loved the effect I had on her.

I suppose it was different at that time. A few weeks ago, the only reason I was interested in Sophia was because I wanted to sleep with her. Now, it was different. I didn't just want one night with her. I wanted it all with her.

I wanted to play with the soft tresses of her hair. I wanted to feel her body against mine every night. I wanted to kiss her and make love to her every day. I wanted her. All of her.

I was in love with her. At least I was pretty sure I was. I'd never been in love before. I'd heard people rant and rave about finding that special someone. True love and all, but I didn't really believe in it. I glanced at Sophia from the corner of my eye.

Was I in love with her?

Sophia stepped out, but I stood there staring at nothing in particular.

"Are you coming?"

I snapped out of my trance. "Yes. Of course." I quickly got off and we made our way to my office. She stopped in the hallway, her eyes trained on her desk.

On top of the desk was a large vase of flowers and a square, black box of chocolate. On top of the chocolate was a set of keys. She looked surprised as she stepped closer to her desk.

Beside the gifts was a small card. She reached for it and her eyes scanned over the words. "To Sophia. Thank you for everything you do. Alexander." She glanced up at me. "You did this?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

The smile on her face was priceless. "I'm definitely surprised. These are the prettiest flowers I've ever seen."

The flowers were a deep shade of purple, fully bloomed, and freshly picked. The lights of the office highlighted their lovely details.

The vase was a golden work of art, but it failed to capture Sophia's attention. All she was concerned with were the elegant flowers they held.

Her fingers brushed the delicate, velvety petals. Each of them resembled a sort of fluffy cloud. A huge, amethyst-colored cloud with a sweet fragrance that filled the air.
