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I glared at him, irritation sparking in me. "How can you ask me that? I'm pregnant with your child, what do you think my feelings are like right now?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know anything about you. I don't know if anything you say is true."

I placed my hands on my hips with a huff. I sighed heavily. I felt tired of the conversation. "You're making this into a bigger deal than it is. So what if I dated Chris? Are you that worried about getting your brother's sloppy seconds?"

"First of all, let's get things straight. I don't care that you dated him. Really, I don't. Does dating him change anything about you or make me see you differently? No. Of course not. You're not anyone's sloppy seconds. You're a person who went out with another person. That's not what bothers me."

He began pacing around the room. "What bothers me is that you didn't tell me. It's been months Sophia. Do you get that? Months. You had so many chances to tell me and you kept quiet. It makes me feel like maybe Chris is right. Maybe you were, maybe you're still, just using me."

"But I've told you that I haven't. This isn't how I thought this would go. I didn't plan on developing feelings for you."

"No, you only planned to sleep with me as revenge against my brother. I opened up to you, Sophia. You were the first person in so long that I let into my life. I fell-" He broke off and started again.

"I thought what we had was real. I thought you liked me for who I was. But you're just like everyone else. You're only interested in me for what you can gain out of me. In this case, good sex and revenge against my own brother."


"I need some time alone."

"Alex, please. You can't leave like this. We need to talk."

"I can't. I just," he looked away from me and quietly said, "I can't be around you right now."

He walked out of the room without looking back. I watched him go with slumped shoulders and a heavy heart. I went to the couch and then dropped on it. My eyes were fixed on the ceiling, but I barely saw it. The only thing I saw was the raw hurt in Alexander's eyes. The doubt he felt about my affection for him.

I squeezed my eyes shut and held a hand to my stomach. How had this gotten so messed up in such little time? How had I messed up so badly?

Chapter Fifteen Alexander

I stood outside Sophia's apartment, my hand poised to knock. I let the hand fall back down, and I stepped away.

It had been a week since Chris had burst into my office and their past relationship had been revealed. Although Sophia and I still spoke, it was strictly about work.

I hadn't touched her in a week. I hadn't played with the tips of her hair or traced the curve of her lips with my fingers. Nothing.

I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't act as if nothing happened. Sophia hadn't pushed or anything. She never said a word about that day or our fight. She only plastered a smile onto her face and did her job.

I didn't know what I was doing here now, standing in front of her door. She'd been on my mind every day. I'd tried to drown her out with work and meetings but to no avail.

The thoughts became too much, swirling around in my head. I'd decided to go for a drive. Before I knew it, I was parked in front of her apartment complex.

I raised my hand again, paused, and then knocked once. I could hear faint movement from inside. A few moments later, the door was thrown open.

Sophia stood at the entrance with her phone pressed to her ear and her purse in her hand. She was dressed in a large blue t-shirt that stopped at her thighs. I remembered it as one of the numerous shirts I'd left at her apartment.

Her hair was pulled into a messy bun. Her face looked paler than usual. I wanted to pull her into me and feel her warmth, her skin, but I refrained. I knew we needed to talk first.

"I know. I never wanted to..." she trailed off when she saw me. Her eyes widened. "I have to go, Izzy. I'll call you back. Something just came up. Okay. Love you too. Bye."

She hung up the call and held her phone in front of her. "Alex."

"Sophia. Can we talk?"

She nodded rapidly. "Yes, of course. Come in." She stepped aside for me, and I walked into the familiar space.

"Have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink? Water? Soda?" A pause as if unsure, and then, jokingly, "Whiskey?"

My lips quirked up a bit. "I think I'll pass on the alcohol, but I'd like a glass of water if you don't mind."
