Page 43 of Capitally Matched

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“Oh, you’re going home for Thanksgiving? My family is coming to DC, I was hoping you might?—”

I moved forward to kiss this amazing, wonderful man, who might be too good to be true.

“Charlotte, wait.”

I leaned back, his tone imploring me to cool my lady bits and listen to him.

“My cock wants to end me for saying this, but I don’t want you to fuck me, to be with me out of spite. I want you to want to do this for you.”

“I do want it for me. I want it for us. I’m tired of denying myself of the things I want, the things that could be good for me, just because they scare me. I can have more than just one good thing in my life.”

I felt like I could see fireworks going off in Hayden’s eyes as the largest smile I had ever seen crossed his face. He pulled my head toward him, his lips still smiling as they moved against mine, my mouth curling up in answer.




The feeling of Charlotte on my lap, pushing me into the couch in broad daylight, did something to my insides. I felt like I could float along the ceiling, but also had never felt more grounded than when I had the chance to hold this woman. We were a perfect fit. My hands explored her body, skimming up her bare legs to meet the cotton of her shirt at her hips.

“I should have known you were trouble when you came out dressed like this,” I muttered, nipping at Charlotte’s chin while she ground her hips in my lap.

“What can I say? I’m a master of seduction when I’m having an existential crisis and earth-shattering breakthrough in the same moment.” She tilted her head, encouraging me to explore her neck. I pulled down the collar of her shirt, much like I had with her sweater last night, but the stretch of the material gave much better access to her collarbone. I lavished kisses there, biting down lightly, wanting to leave my mark somehow. Seeing the red bloom on her fair skin immediately made my dick harder, which I thought was impossible at this point.

My hands moved around her back, sliding under her T-shirt and down past the waistband of her underwear. My hands rested there, enjoying the fullness of Charlotte’s ass.

Well, this is just where my hands live now. It will be hard to get work done, but sacrifices had to be made.

Charlotte moved her hands to the hem of my shirt, her fingers tickling along my abs. She groaned. “I’ve wanted to pet these since the day you moved in.”

I shuddered under her touch. “They aren’t complaining.” I leaned back into the couch cushion to give her unrestricted access. She responded by widening her thighs so she could push my shirt up, forcing me to remove my hands from their new happy place so she could lift it over my head.

Charlotte sat back for a moment, taking me in, and I felt oddly on display. It wasn’t the first time Charlotte had seen my chest, but it was the first time she’d seen it like this.

“God, you’re beautiful,” she murmured before leaning forward to kiss me again, guiding my hands back to her ass.

I felt my chest warm. I knew I wasn’t unattractive, but I’m not sure I’ve ever been called beautiful. Hot, maybe, which made me feel more like a piece of meat than a man. Beautiful made me feel cherished, seen.

Charlotte’s fingers tangled in my hair, tugging so I was angled for her to work from her position above me. Gosh, kissing was great. I could do this fore?—

“Do you have any condoms?” Charlotte leaned back to look at my face.

My dick twitched. Right, kissing was great, but sex was pretty awesome too.

I felt my face fall. “I don’t. I realized my ex didn’t pack them when she kicked me out and I… I haven’t had a reason to buy any more since then.”

Charlotte smiled sweetly at me, seeming to understand I hadn’t let myself dream we’d get here.

“I don’t either, but I do have an IUD, and my last test results were negative. I got a physical before I moved here.”

“My last results were negative too. I don’t think Veronica cheated on me, but considering she kicked me out on the advice of her new psychic, I decided I better be sure.”

Charlotte giggled. “Different strokes for different folks, but I’m still not over that’s why she kicked you out.”

I tickled her sides. “Glad you can laugh at my pain.”

Charlotte laughed fully as she squirmed when my fingers found a vulnerable spot. My dick was confused. Charlotte was still on top of me, the warmth of her center reaching through the fabric of my sweatpants, but she was laughing. We both were, and that wasn’t something I had ever had during sex before. This communication and bantering and laughter. It was new.
