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Liora looked down and realized her clothes were damp and lay askew on her body. Her hand flew up to her unkempt mess of hair, and she blushed. “I…I may have been conducting some experiments downstairs.”

“I don’t want to hear about the details now. He’s back and he’s on his way here.” She tugged on the hem of her dress. “Go clean yourself up. You don’t want him suspecting anything is amiss.”

Doing as she was told, she hurried to the washroom and filled the sink with water. A check in the mirror indicated Tirani’s concern was not unwarranted as she was greeted by a wide-eyed, red-faced woman whose matted hair and rumpled clothes did not convey her typical mundane lifestyle. She splashed some water on her skin, hoping to cool the fire which hadn’t subsided, and reached for a hairbrush. After changing into a fresh blouse and skirt, she braided her hair into a long, neat plait down her back. Her second glance at herself was far more reassuring than the first, and she was ready for visitors.

She re-entered the main room as the hulking mass of her master darkened the doorway. Lord Thirvar stood nearly seven feet tall, and his muscular frame was draped in heavy crimson robes. Deep-set eyes of the darkest brown scanned the room, and Liora stood still, waiting to be acknowledged. He wordlessly paced about, his boots thudding with each slow step, and he showed no overt signs of either approval or dissatisfaction with what he saw.

Following close behind was his second-in-command, a smaller, wiry man with feline features. Short, black fur covered his entire body, much of which was exposed due to his minimal clothing. He walked upright and trailed after his liege, mirroring his movements as he inspected the area.

Thirvar completed his lap of the room, ending directly in front of her. “I see you’ve been busy in my absence.” His voice, though quiet, carried the air of his supreme authority.

A chill ran down Liora’s spine and her heart pounded in her ears. She had convinced herself she’d taken every precaution to conceal her activities in the cellar, but now she wasn’t sure of her success. A furtive peek at where Tirani stood in the corner didn’t offer any hints as to how she should proceed. She opted for a brief response while keeping her gaze trained on the floorboards. “Yes, sir.”

She tried not to tremble as he placed a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head up to meet his stare. His thumb grazed her cheek, and she struggled not to falter under his scrutinization. There was an absolute lack of emotion displayed upon his face, no insight into his thoughts revealed by his cold, severe eyes. She was trapped in what felt like an eternity of uncertainty, yet she didn’t yield to his intimidation.

A small smile appeared, nearly hidden by his thick orange mustache and beard. Liora didn’t know whether it was a sign of praise or a precursor to a cruel punishment. He released his grip on her, only to move his hand across the fine golden strands of her hair. “I am pleased with the work you have done on our shield.” His fingers traveled down the length of her braid, which he pulled over her shoulder so he could continue twirling the end. “A very fine effort, indeed.”

Just as she had hidden her fear, she did not show any visible signs of relief when she learned the true meaning of his original statement. “Thank you, sir.”

Thirvar chuckled, the low rumble emitting from his lips a chilling and unpleasant sound. “Ah, Liora…” He took a step forward, towering over her but not letting his body come in contact with hers. “You always make it so pleasant to come home after a long journey. What would I ever do without you?”

She said nothing and looked away from him. He laughed again before turning toward his attendant. “Kai! Let us return to the castle. We have much to do before we must leave again.”

Kai nodded his assent and waited for Thirvar to exit the cottage. Casting one final reproachful glare at the two women, he followed close behind, his thin tail swishing to and fro as he walked. Liora closed the door once they were gone and sighed. “I hate when he’s here,” she whispered.

Tirani crawled over to her. “I know, dear. All the more reason to be careful and not let him catch you doing anything that will infuriate him.”

“Of course.” Her jaw tightened, her undying determination resurfacing. “For now. Soon, it’s not going to matter.”

Chapter Thirteen

A gentle breeze tickled Liora’s bare skin as she stood at the edge of the pond. She was unclothed, save for the two silver bracelets always clamped around her wrists. Crouching down, she trailed her fingers over the surface of the sparkling pool. It was warm, though not too warm, and so clear, she could see straight down to the bottom.

Without giving it a second thought, she dove in headfirst. The water crashing against her body felt so refreshing, so real, she could almost convince herself it was more than an illusion she’d crafted. When she came up for air, she swam toward the waterfall to take a closer look at the scene she had created. The pool was shallower in the recession behind the tumbling spray, and she stood up in the waist-deep water.

The reminder she was expecting company cut her exploration short. She crossed through the waterfall again and saw Stephen waiting for her at their favorite stone. Feeling his ardent stare lock onto her exposed figure, she beamed at him, issuing a wordless invitation to join her. Before he responded, she immersed herself in the water once more, savoring the freeing feeling of weightless suspension.

Upon resurfacing, she flipped over and floated on her back as he kicked off his shoes and socks. He shed the rest of his clothing and she caught her first view of his naked form, presented only for her enjoyment. His slate gray eyes that had previously captivated her could no longer hold her attention as she had the opportunity to study him in full at last. His body was slim, though the lines of the muscular definition in his arms and shoulders were apparent to her, even from several yards away. Chocolate curls dotted his firm chest, descending into a narrow trail across his stomach which led her gaze to the stiff cock swelling in the summery air.

Whereas she hadn’t hesitated to plunge into the water, he exhibited more caution. He slowly slid off the rock and slipped underwater, slicking his hair back from his eyes when he came back up. Liora noted his awkward splashing in the deeper end of the pond and led the way back to the waterfall.

Stephen appeared to be far more comfortable when he found his footing on the bottom of the pool. Their visual exploration of each other paved the way toward physical interaction, and he waded closer to her. The energy and vigor with which he kissed her was enough to make her knees grow weak, and she clutched at him for support. His hand wandered down her back to hold her against him. The contact of his dampened skin along the entire line of her body sent a heady rush of heat spreading throughout her.

As if remembering what had elicited her prior reactions, his lips moved away from her mouth. His tender kisses covered her neck, her shoulders, and her chest, but before he made any further progress, he pulled back. Instead of protesting, as was her initial response, Liora let her touch speak for her. She reached up to caress the side of his head, trailing her fingers through his hair, and hoped it would be enough to express how much she wanted, needed to experience more of him.

In one swift movement, his arms slipped below the surface of the water and he picked her up. She swallowed back a squeal of surprise as he carried her through the waterfall, into the hollowed cave beyond. The slippery stones were cool underneath her when he lifted her out of the pool and placed her on its rim. She couldn’t bear to be apart from him for another moment, and she slid a hand around the back of his neck to bring his tempting, moistened lips closer to her own.

Stephen indulged her for a little longer before making his way down the expanse of her milky skin. He drew her nipple inside his mouth, and her back arched. When he stroked the inside of her thigh, her legs parted to allow him better access. He abandoned her breast in favor of more stimulating pursuits, kissing lower and lower until he reached her waiting pussy. She opened her eyes to find him staring up at her, his own gaze brimming with desire and lust, and her breath caught in her throat.

His tongue darted out to flick across her sensitive bundle of nerves, and her hips jerked forward. As his mouth closed over her, every muscle in her body tensed, unsure of whether to attempt an escape or surrender to the blaze ripping through her bloodstream and filling her with unrelenting hunger. He grabbed her hips and held her in place. She reached out for something, anything to hold onto as she squirmed about.

Liora began to shake, and her convulsions drove him onward. He released his grip on her to allow her to take hold of his hands, but the pressure of his tongue against her never diminished. Her vision clouded and she clenched her eyes shut, torn between wanting to sustain the dream so they could stay together and give in to the burning ache for release. As her body succumbed to his exploitations, her grasp on him and the surrounding world slipped away. He sucked down hard, and she lost the last semblance of control. She gasped for air as ecstasy wracked every inch of her, and the sound of his name echoed off the glossy stones as she screamed it out loud.

She collapsed at the base of the sphere, bracing herself with her hands as she fell to avoid smashing her face against the dank floor. The crash was painful, yet not nearly as excruciating as the loss of the man who had given her the gift of sublime rapture without any thought for himself. Her mind reeled from the sudden descent from her orgasm, and she came to terms with being alone in the secluded house.

The realization that she hadn’t slept for quite some time also set in, and she trudged up the stairs. Few embers emitted heat and light from the fireplace. They went ignored as she flopped onto her bed, pulling the covers around her. The enduring thoughts of Stephen refused to dissolve into the first glimmers of dawn, and she waited to drift away into the clouds of sleep which would help pass the time until she could return to his arms.

Chapter Fourteen

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