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"Don't worry about it, sweetheart,” I say with a reassuring smile. "I've slept on worse."

Grace gives me a doubtful look. "Alright, if you're sure."

I notice a hint of disappointment flash across her face. I know we're still in the early stages of getting to know each other, but I can't resist pushing the boundary a bit.

I walk over to her and assure her, "I'm sure, sweetheart." Before she can respond, I lean in, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. When I pull back, Grace is looking at me with slightly dazed eyes, her cheeks flushed a soft pink.

"Goodnight, Grace," I say, my voice husky. "Goodnight, Duke," she whispers back, as she retreats back into the bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I wake up with a groan,feeling as though someone has taken a sledgehammer to my back. Damn couch - I regret sleeping on it.

My eyes flicker open slowly, and I reach for my phone, squinting at the time. 7:03 AM.

Sitting up slowly, the events of last night play through my mind. After Grace had gone to bed, I'd stayed up late, my eyes glued to her blog. She'd made it seem like it was some small-time thing in the car, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Grace has fans from all around the world, their praises and comments flooding every page. I can't help but feel proud of her despite the short time we've known each other.

Shifting my thoughts, I recall exchanging messages with my buddy, Slate. He's a tech guru at Hunt Security, just like me. If anyone can find out who's been sending those threatening messages to Grace, it's him. With a sigh, I push myself off the couch and get ready to start the day.

I push myself up from the couch, wincing as my back protests. Ignoring the discomfort, I walk over to the window and pull back the curtains.

The mountain view is breathtaking, even with the heavy clouds looming over them. Rain is definitely on the way.

Glancing down at Mimi's crate, I see her tiny chest rising and falling. I decide to let her sleep for a bit longer and make my way into the kitchenette. I need coffee.

Fortunately, it’s compact but well-equipped, with a stainless steel coffee maker sitting next to a neat row of mugs. Perfect.

Just as I start to brew a fresh pot, the bedroom door swings open, and Grace pads out in her bare feet.

Even with her hair in a messy bun, my mouth waters at the sight of her. I quickly turn back to the coffee maker, trying to hide my growing arousal.

“Ooh, you made coffee,” she says.

I grin. “I did. Want some?"

"Please," she answers, her voice still thick with sleep. She takes the cup I offer her and settles herself onto a stool at the counter.

“So, what's the plan for the day?" I ask her.

"Um, I have some admin stuff to take care of on my blog this morning," Grace says, taking a small sip of her coffee. "And I was hoping to take Mimi to the dog park around lunchtime."

"Sounds like a good plan," I reply, taking a gulp of my own coffee. "By the way, I loved your blog post about the Grand Canyon. You described it so beautifully."

Grace's cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink, and she looks genuinely surprised. "You read my blog?"

"Of course I did, baby.”

"Thank you," she replies, her blush deepening. "That means a lot coming from you."

I take my last sip of coffee and set the mug down. "I need to run downstairs to the business center for a bit, but I'll be right back."

The morning passes by in a comfortable silence as we both work on our respective tasks. Grace is perched at the small dining room table in the kitchenette, her laptop open and fingers flying across the keyboard. I'm sitting on the couch, my own laptop balanced on my thighs as I sift through emails and updates from Slate.

At around 11:30, the skies outside darken, and rain begins to fall in steady sheets against the windowpane. Grace sighs, standing up and walking over to the window, disappointment crossing her features.

"Darn," she mutters, her fingers brushing the cool glass. "I was hoping to take a break and bring Mimi to the dog park."

"Looks like the weather isn't cooperating," I say, closing my laptop and setting it aside. "But we could still take a break. How about watching a movie? I know it's not the same as the dog park, but I like to think I'm a good cuddler."
