Page 6 of Deathly Desires

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Spurred on by my frantic begging and the mention of his pet name, Azrael pounds his way home, his skeleton hands digging into my hips as he uses me like a tight little cock-sheath.

Nonsensical murmurs and sobbing gasps shiver over our connection, and then like a pile-driver he impales my poor shadow ass one last time, burying his monster cock so deep it feels like it might pierce my fucking lungs. Then heat fills my hole, thick and creamy. There’s so much, and he’s so damn big, that it’s forced to leak out my ass, around his beast, and onto the crypt beneath me, desecrating it in the most deliciously sacrilegious way imaginable.

I hang from his shoulders, spent and broken—my mind is blank, as if stuck on an old-school television test pattern. But one thought manages to snake through the haze of my pleasure-induced delirium.“What a waste of chocolate!”

Azrael gently lets me down, shuddering in the wake of his own cosmic orgasm.“I would have waited eternity for you, Renae Saltzman, but I’m glad I don’t have to.”

The warmth of his love washes over me as I lie back in a mess of stickiness and bliss. As I stare up at the stars, a broad grin splits my skull face.I’m never going to be alone again, I realize. And I’ll never be at the mercy of another sorry excuse for a man that reeks of stale piss and cigarettes. I’m the predator now, and I’m ready to reap justice of my own. Before All Hallows’ Eve is over, I’m going to send some of those bastards that hurt me straight to Hell!

Chapter Nine

In the blink of an eye, we’re back in the shit pit of Green Pines, and the thrill of the hunt fills me as thoroughly as Azrael’s cum.

“Do you have someone in mind, love?”the reaper asks.

I grin. Oh, yes. I have someone in mind, all right. One of my mother’s many ex-boyfriends. A particularly sick fuck who raped me with a beer bottle and put out his cigarettes on my hands when I was just thirteen years old.“Troy Commons,”I say. The name tastes sour even in my mind.

Azrael’s presence seems to darken. His black feathered wings flare, and a chill emanates from him like an icy mist. He knows who I’m talking about, I have no doubt. He is the Angel of Death, after all, and I died … meaning he likely knows me inside and out, all my secrets, all my flaws, and all of my shame.

“This way,”I say, gesturing toward a small trailer with a faded red sunshade. The immediate area surrounding the mobile home is littered with beer bottles and cigarette butts. I shudder as the memory of my abuse resurfaces, and I can almost feel the sting of the circular burns on my skin, even though my new shadow flesh no longer bears the scars.

Stepping through the closed door of the trailer like a ghost, I find the fucker sucking on a bottle, slouched on the piss-stained, built-in couch. He stinks of stale cigarettes, and the walls are covered in tacky, torn-out magazine pornography. His long brown hair is matted, and his eyes are droopy with fatigue. The small television opposite him blasts some kind of ridiculous hillbilly reality show—idiots attempting stupid stunts in the country, like racing tractors, jumping off barns, and other physical stupidity.

Crawling up onto the couch beside him, I whisper into his ear. I remind him of all the terrible things he did to me—in detail—sharing how I felt, infusing my words with my own very real residual pain.“You don’t deserve to live,”I say.“You know that. You’re a drunk, an abuser, a pedophile, and a rapist. You’re an oxygen thief of the worst kind, and the world would be a better place without you in it.”

My abuser’s eyes redden, and tears begin to flow. It almost sickens me to see him weep. Is he crying for the devastation he’s wrought? For the harm he’s inflicted? Or is he crying for himself—for the pathetic and disgusting excuse of a man he’s become? I guess at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. There’s only one place he’s going once he’s a corpse, and that’s straight through the portal to Hell.

The sicko reaches across the table, fumbling through weeks’ worth of trash. In the next moment he has a handgun in his mouth, the barrel pointed directly at his brain. He seems to hesitate, on the brink of indecision, and it enrages me.

There won’t be any denial. Not tonight, Troy.“Do it,”I whisper.“Now.”

The gun goes off, the explosive sound filling the trailer. He slumps down, lifeless, his brains painting the nicotine-yellowed walls behind him in a beautifully macabre display of red and mushy pink bits.

I squeal in delight, leaping up from the couch to dance on the spot. The sense of joy and relief I feel is profound. No woman or child will suffer ever again by his hand. I feel righteous and vindicated. I’m no longer his victim. I’ve taken back my power, and justice has finally been served.

“How does it feel?”asks Azrael as Troy Commons’s soul manifests before us.

“Fucking epic!”I answer.

Troy’s eyes bulge in terror when he lays his gaze upon us.

“Bye-bye, asshole,”I hiss, flicking out my long, forked tongue, clawed hands resting on my shadowed hips.“Say hi to Lucifer for me!”

Azrael swings his scythe in an arc, slicing through Troy’s mortally terrified soul. With a one-way ticket to Hell, he disappears in a swirl of black mist—his scream fading after him into the night.“So,”my angel drawls darkly.“Who’s next?”

A hideously vicious grin stretches my lips. I feel more alive than ever before!

All Hallows’ Eve blurs by, seemingly in the blink of an eye, and thirteen more bastards meet their demise, curiously by their own hand. Each of them will burn for their crimes, for all of eternity. The knowledge fills my Ascended heart with glee.

In a single night I’ve helped clean a county of a scourge that has been plaguing it for as long as I’ve existed. And I don’t intend to stop here. The world is my oyster now. I intend to cleanse the Earth of its villains one damned soul at a time, for as long as is given to me.


The moon’s light is waning, and the darkness is slowly receding, succumbing to the beautiful deep purple of the twilight before dawn.“What happens now?”I ask.“What happens to me once the sun rises?”

“You’re not mist on a lake, Renae.”Azrael laughs.“You’re not going to vanish with the first light. You’re eternal now. Time no longer holds any sway over you.”

“So, we’re a team?”I ask.
