Page 23 of Tiger By the Tail

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A low purr rumbled in his body; it travelled down his bulging arm, through his squeezing fingers, and into me. I moaned under my breath, earning a low, salacious chuckle from him as he slid his hand further up my leg.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when one soft finger glided over my damp panties. “Roy,” I gasped, scratching the remaining few brain cells that hadn’t turned into mush together as I pushed him back and broke the kiss. The asphalt wobbled under me as he lowered me to my feet.

He, too, seemed to come to his senses. “Oh, shit.” With one horrified look, Roy jumped back. Turning his back on me, tail twitching madly, I saw him adjust his cock and smooth out the fur on his face.

“Can we pretend I never jumped on you?” Pulling my skirt down my legs, I ran my hand absentmindedly over the spot where he had kneaded my skin. It still tingled.Or please, let’s go all in, Roy. Please.

His wide shoulders tightened imperceptibly, then he turned around with a strange expression on his magnificent features. For a moment, it looked as if his answer would be a firm no, and I dared him to stalk over, push me up against the wall, and take me. But like clouds melted away by sunlight, the look dissipated.

He narrowed his eyes, and nodded slowly. “I-I’m sorry, Kat, that was so unprofessional.”

His shoulders drew back up to around his cheeks as if he wanted to disappear. The gesture made my blood boil. Not in a let-me-climb-you-like-a-tree way, but why on earth did that utterly gorgeous beast of a man feel the need to constantly shrivel in on himself, and make him seem as small as possible? I didn’t get it.

“Well,” I eventually broke the tense silence between us, willing myself to stop touching my leg where I could still feel his phantom grip in every cell. “I wasn’t exactly professional, either.” Taking a deep breath, I straightened my clothes again. “Can we just pretend this never happened?”

We both knew what I meant.

Could we put our mutual attraction aside for the sake of the project? I had no idea if I could. Judging by the wetness still drenching my panties, and my aching nipples pressing against my bra, it was a big, fat no for me. But I had to, for God’s sake. It was a huge deal, a massive leap in my career. I couldn’t let that slip through my fingers just because my stupid pussy fancied herself some tiger cock, no matter how impressive it might be.

He nodded, face turned away from me. “I’ll see you next week, Kat.” His rumbling voice travelled through me to lodge between my legs. He briefly brushed his paw down my upper arm.

It came to rest on my elbow and he squeezed it gently, sending sparks through my body. If it was any indication how our future meetings would go, I was in for some exquisite torture at the hands of Roy Sinclair.

“Yeah, next week.” I wrenched open the car door and buckled myself in with trembling fingers.

Forcing myself not to watch him stare after me as I backed out of my spot and the car park, I somehow made it home, although I had no recollection of driving, of stopping at red lights or…anything.

Later, when I was lying in bed I stared up at the ceiling, my brain way too agitated to shut down enough so I could go to sleep, I still felt the grip of his paw on my thigh, his tongue in my mouth, the huge bulge pressing to my core.

What the fuck have I done?

Chapter Eleven


Imade it through Thursday, burying myself in the project and trying to translate all the suggestions the APEX team had made into reality. I had calmed down a little, partly thanks to the last minute practice I scheduled that evening with my kickboxing coach, Emilio.

“Hey, Kat, are you in a bad mood today? You are muy asada again?” he asked me in his sexy Peruvian accent.

“Yeah, I’m angry, Mio,” I huffed.

“I am not going to ask,” he replied smoothly, giving me a look that plainly said ‘I’ll ask you no questions and you’ll tell me no lies’. “Just give me all you got.” He raised his hand pads and challenged me to let it all out.

For the rest of the lesson, Mio either took my hits and kicks, or stood by as I wore myself out. I exerted myself so completely that I didn’t have a morsel of energy to contemplatethe kiss or one furry finger glancing over my soaked knickers.


On Friday, Mason and Hector, who were between projects, joined me for a co-working and coffee session. The two hotties and the shit ton of chemistry between them that both men ignored, bickering constantly, drove Roy temporarily out of my mind.

Hector left a little earlier, leaving Mason and me to wrap up the day’s work before we, too, called it a week.

“What are you doing this evening?”

Mace hitched his sleek messenger bag higher up his shoulder and followed me into the lift. “Sleeping.”

He grinned down at me, looking as gorgeous as ever with his long black hair, the tattoos, and all that silver adorning his stupidly perfect body. He looked more like a rockstar or member of a biker gang than a respectable graphic designer with a mortgage, who talked to his plants.

“My work schedule is fucking with me, I swear.”
