Page 43 of Tiger By the Tail

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“Raja, what’s wrong?”

“Why should there be something wrong?” I asked indignantly.

“Because you only ever call me when you need something or when shit hits the fan.”

Fuck, I’ve really messed up.

“I’m sorry, bhai.”

Leave it to the Bangalee to go all in on nicknames.

He snorted. “Just spill the beans, there’s a batch of IPA waiting for me.”

“I moved out,” I told him without sugarcoating anything.

“You what?” Lew spluttered.

Now I have your attention, asshole.

“I split up with Abbie, I moved out, and am living with a roommate.”

“Fucking finally, bhai!” he shouted so loudly I thought my eardrums had ruptured.

“Holy shit, Lew, turn it down, will you?”

“I’ve been waiting for this call for weeks, Raja, weeks.”


“Come on, asshole. I grew up with you, I know you. Everyone who saw you with Kat knew it was a matter of weeks before you cracked and finally ditched the dumb bitch.”

Completely lost for words, I stared at my office door.

“I guess she’s your roomie, huh? That woman is so fucking into you.”

“Fuck you.”

My big brother chuckled.

“Let’s catch up soon, okay? I gotta go, Perla’s waiting with the IPA.”

“Yeah, you go brew some beer, bhai.”

He hung up without another word. Sinking heavily into my office chair, I propped my feet up on the tabletop and stared out at the small artificial lake behind the warehouse.

I was rebuilding my life, one awkward conversation at a time.

By the time I left the office, I was definitely running late. There was no way I could make something for dinner, and I didn’t want to rely on Kat to provide for me. I texted her on the way to the car.

Roy: I’m getting sushi for tea, want me to bring something for you?

Kat: You’re saving me, I got stuck at work. The usual?

Wrong, it’s you who are saving me.

Sendingback a thumbs up emoji, I dialled the number of Bright Panda, placed our order, and picked it up no ten minutes later.

Part of me was sorely tempted to call ‘Honey, I’m home’ to alert Kat to my presence when I entered the flat, but I didn't dare in the end.
