Page 44 of Tiger By the Tail

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She was still in the same outfit and looked as if she’d returned only a few minutes before me. We sat down to inhale our food before retreating to our respective rooms to get ready.

I’d never been as appreciative of my genes. Being a hybrid meant that every one of us was usually a mixed bag of human and animal traits. I couldn’t blush but I felt my ears heat when I was embarrassed, I was able to sweat when hot, thank fuck, and didn’t pant with an open mouth like a pratt. And while I had a bit of a musk going on, it was nowhere near as strong as a true tiger’s. My fur was more like that of a cat; it smelled of cat but funny smells didn’t stick. I had showered at the gym the previous morning—I’d be fine with just grooming myself and wouldn’t stink like the lion house at the zoo.

Dressed in black slacks and a light grey buttoned shirt from our smart casual line and a pair of white trainers, I waited for Kat inside the front door. The longer I stood there, the more self-conscious I got. Was I overdressed? Fiddling with my watch strap, I contemplated changing into more down-to-earth clothes, a pair of jeans, a normal tee, when—

“Holy shit, baby.” All doubts about my outfit forgotten, I stared open mouthed at Kat, who had just emerged from the bathroom looking dashing in sky-high heels, a pair of skin tight black jeans, a silky top, and a blood red blazer. Two long silver necklaces drew my eyes to her exquisite collarbones and plunging neckline.

“Holy shit, yourself.” Pressing the tip of her tongue to the inside of her teeth, she gave me a slow one-over. I basically felt her eyes sliding down over my Adam's apple, over the open buttons at my throat and to my pecs, grazing my pierced nipple, before dipping lower.

I should have gone for the jeans.

They would have done a better job concealing my rapidly hardening dick.

Chapter Nineteen


“The cab should be waiting. Shall we?”

He was almost drooling by the time I was finished inspecting his outfit.

Join the club, tiger boy.

He looked fucking hot in his dark slacks, and I hoped he had a gun licence for that shirt because the way its rolled-up sleeves hugged his biceps couldn’t be legal.

Don’t stare at his ass, I intoned as I followed him down the stairs.

Ever the gentleman, Roy held the door open for me, greeted the cabby politely and folded his bulk next to me in the backseat. I told the driver where we needed to go, before turning at the unfairly hot Tigris, only to find him still gaping at me.

“How was your meeting today? Looking to replace me as your client?”

Shaking my head, I huffed a laugh. “You're not going to need me for much longer, Roy.”

His eyes narrowed and I was sure he was going to disagree with me, but then the moment passed. “I suppose we're almost finished with the project, aren't we?”

“Yeah, we are.” Trying to keep the regret I felt when I thought about it out of my voice, I shrugged. “That's how this business goes. The meeting was great, by the way. The management of Blue Kraken is awesome. Not as great as you are, I swear,” I added.

“Who is?” he asked rhetorically, scowling and daring me to object.

“My thoughts exactly.”

His pout softened, transforming into a cute little smile.

Oh Roy, you bloody heartthrob.

“What are they doing? Blue Kraken? I think I've heard of them, but I can't quite place them?”

“They're a foundation to make ice hockey more of a thing in the UK. They have a programme for disabled athletes, and a quite rigid set of guidelines to prevent any kind of discrimination. It was founded by two former pro hockey players. They're really quite great.”

“And they're going to hire you?”

“It looks promising, yeah.”

“Let me know if they do. Sad and I are always looking for worthy causes to donate to.”

“Well, it's definitely a worthy cause, even if they won't be working with us.”

“If they can’t see that you're thebest person for this job, I don't trust them with my money,” he said matter-of-factly and I had no idea what to reply as tell-tale warmth crept over my cheeks.

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