Page 50 of Tiger By the Tail

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Kat: Kaden Foster, going places with auntie Kat. That's a great name, Lo.

Lo: It's perfect, right? So, what's new in your world?

Kat: I have a roommate now.

Kat: Sorry, I should have told youbefore he moved in.

Lo: He?

Kat: I think you know him. Roy? From the gym?

For a long minute or two, she didn't reply, and I wondered if she was mad that I hadn't told her sooner. Then my phone rang.

“You're calling me? Are you sick? Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?” I said in lieu of a greeting.

She snorted. “Stop that or you're not going to be Kaden's fairy godmother.”

Letting out a fake groan, I made my voice sound as if she'd just hit me with an arrow through the heart. “Taking away the fairy godmother privileges before the kid is even born? Cruel, Elora.”

“You're trying to distract me, Kathryn. Spill the beans, will you? That beefcake lives with you now? How the fuck did that happen?”

I gave her a quick summary of the situation. When I arrived at the events of the past weekend, she let out a growl that rivalled those of her husband.

“He's been abused by that bitch? Sorry—”

“Don't be.”

“Right,” Lo huffed a laugh. “And Mason, Penn, Ed, and you gave her a hard time? Holy shit, I would have loved to see that.”

“You would have done the same, Lo—if you weren't a hundred monthspregnant, that is, or I'd get served my own ass on a plate by the huscat.”

“Oh God, imagine how angry he'd be.” She giggled indulgently, as if she'd never heard anything as cute as her man going on a rampage.

“Not sure I'd find that quite so funny, babes.”

“You'd probably pee your pants.” Her voice had taken on a dreamy note, “He's so scary when he's in full must-protect-pride mode.”

Yep, pregnancy definitely makes you crazy.

“So, Roy.” Lo brought us back to why she had called in the first place. “He's hot, right?”

“Elora Foster! You're married!”

“Yeah, married, not blind.”

“So hot,” I groaned under my breath, looking around at the other guests to see if I was being overheard.

“Is something going on with the two of you?”

“He's my client.”

“Your hot client, who just moved in with you, yeah. And you know I'm not judging, Kat, right? I mean, I married one of our colleagues.”

A deep voice laughed in the background, then close to the microphone. “Good morning, my love.”

The sound of him kissing her made a tiny bubble of jealousy burst in the pit of my stomach. I wanted that, too. Maybe not the invisible feet or the prospect of pushing a little cub out of my body, but all the domestic shit. Roy kissing me awake, morning sex, him making breakfast for me, calling me 'my love'.

“Kat's on the phone. I'll be down in a bit, okay?”
