Page 173 of Maybe Baby

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I hadn’t seen Tristan approach us from behind. “Trey,” he said calmly, “why don’t you take a moment to collect yourself.”

“Why don’t you keep your fucking eyes and hands off Tylar,” he said abruptly, glaring at Tristan.

Oh great, another family scene underway. How dysfunctional was this family?

“Well, well, what have we here?” Caroline slurred in her shrill voice. The full glass of wine in her hand sloshed over the side as she swayed on her feet. “It looks like Tylar wants a second Sinclair in her bed tonight. Are you absolutely sure that the bastard you're carrying is even Trey’s?” she leered, taking a gulp of the wine.

“Shut up, Caroline,” Trey replied harshly.

She was unfazed by the directive and continued to stare at me, her eyes narrowing. Tristan took her elbow to lead her away. She twisted out of his grasp, coming toward me. Trey was immediately in front of me, shielding me. I didn’t need his protection. I scooted around him and met her haughty face with my own.

“Listen to me you fucked-uppity bitch,” I stated firmly. “Everyone else may tolerate your drunken tirades and despicable comments, but I don’t roll that way. You keep your mouth shut around me and about me. Understand?”

Her mouth fell open as my finger jabbed the air near her face. She swallowed nervously, backing up a step.

“One more snide comment, one more dirty look sent my way, one more uninvited intrusion into my bedroom and I'll wipe the ground up with your skinny, useless ass, east coast style, got it?”

She snorted at me, looking from face to face and finding no support from anyone. She turned and quickly fled the foyer.

I turned back to Trey and Tristan who were regarding me with surprise. “I need some air. Tristan, would you please help me find my coat?”

He nodded and walked toward the hallway.

“I’ll go with you,” Trey offered.

“No,” I snapped, “you’re drunk and acting like an asshole. I’m not happy about the secrets you’re keeping from me. I know that Tess is leaving her husband. If you’re having second thoughts about me, Trey, we’ll dissolve this engagement right now.”

“What kind of man do you think I am?” he snarled.

Tristan returned with my coat, helping me into it. Just then Tess appeared in the doorway by herself. She walked over to me, extending her hand.

“Hello,” she said. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Tess Flannery. You must be Tylar?”

“Yes I am. I’m very pleased to meet you, Tess,” I lied, shaking her hand. She smiled weakly. Tess wasn't what I'd expected.

“Tylar, would you excuse Trey just for a few moments? I really need to speak with him privately.”

Trey looked from me to Tess, not sure what to do. I decided to make it easy for him.

“Of course,” I replied smoothly. “He’s all yours. Tristan, will you walk with me, please?” Tristan escorted me outside where I dissolved into tears before I was off of the porch.


Tristan put his arms around me, holding me to his chest. “Tylar, everything is going to be okay. You must know that.”

“I don’t know anything, Tristan. All I know is that Trey is keeping secrets from me, Tess has left her husband, and Caroline is a nasty, hateful bitch,” I sobbed.

“Things are not always as they appear,” he replied. “Well, except for Caroline. That’s pretty much a case of what you see is what you get.” His comment brought a smile to my tearful face. He pulled a cloth handkerchief from his pocket to dab my tears.

“She wants him back, doesn’t she? Tess wants Trey back. Just tell me the truth.”

“You’re wrong, Tylar. Even if that were true, I can promise you one thing: Trey would never take her back. He’s totally in love with you. I know my little brother and we’ve talked about this just today. He loves you and you only. Even when he was engaged to Tess, he was never as committed and in love with her like he is now with you.”

“It’s just because of the baby,” I replied, blowing my nose on his starched handkerchief.

“It’s not,” he stated firmly, “it’s you he adores.”

“Then why’s she calling him? Why all the secrecy?”
