Page 174 of Maybe Baby

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Tristan sighed heavily, taking my arm and leading me down the drive away from the house. “Tylar,” he started, “can you please trust me on this? I promise you that the truth will be out very soon. It’s Christmas and, as much as our family and Tess’s family have a long history with one another, there are some skeletons that’ll be coming out of the closet very soon. Not today though. Today is about Christmas.”

I looked up into his deep green eyes and I saw sincerity and honesty. I nodded.

“Good,” he replied, smiling. He pulled me into a brotherly hug, wiping my tears with his thumb. From behind us, someone cleared his throat. Landon.

“Merry Christmas, Tristan,” he nodded, smirking as he walked by toward the house. He glanced at me, his lip curled in contempt. “I see you’ve moved on, Ms. Preston. At least you’re keeping it in the family.”

I started to angrily respond but Tristan shook his head, cautioning me to let it go. As soon as Landon went inside, Tristan turned back to me.

“Let it be,” he said gently. I nodded but it was difficult. I'd never been exposed to the type of treatment or hateful attitude displayed by Caroline and Landon. The thought crossed my mind as to just how perfect they would be together. Tristan and I continued our walk in the crisp December air. We talked about his life in California’s Napa Valley and about his winery. He said he actually missed the east coast and had considered selling the vineyard to Nigel and moving back to the area.

“I know Trey would love that,” I commented. “It seems like you and he have more of a bond than he and Nigel. You both resemble each other so much.”

“Yes,” he admitted, “but in looks only. Trey is much more of a stubborn hothead than I am, I’m afraid. But he also has a very compassionate streak that many people don’t recognize. I think that’s what’s making you feel insecure right now. His love and his commitment to you is genuine, you must believe it.”

From the front of the house, a door slammed. Tristan and I looked over as Caroline emerged on the porch. Nigel followed close behind. She had no coat on. She staggered with a bottle of wine in her hand, periodically taking swigs from it.

“Dear God,” Tristan murmured, “what now?”

“Keep away from me you cheating son-of-a-bitch!” she screamed, swatting at him with her arms. “You didn’t think I’d find out? She was like a sister to me you bastard!”

Landon joined Nigel on the porch, trying to coax Caroline back inside. Caroline turned on Landon, screaming at him. “Youknew didn’t you?” she accused as she circled him, pointing her finger. “How couldyoubetray me like that?” She upended the wine bottle on his head, dousing him with dark red wine. Landon spoke to her quietly.

Tristan’s face turned ashen. “Oh shit,” he warned, “get ready for some skeletons. This is about to get ugly.”

Tristan and I stood watching when I suddenly felt a hand touch my shoulder from behind. It was Trey, still agitated but slightly more sober after his conversation with Tess. I could tell he wasn't pleased with the attention Tristan was paying me.

“Tristan, will you drive Tylar and me back to the manor? I’ve had too much to drink and Nigel is driving my car back.”

Tristan nodded, still eyeing the scene on the front porch. By this time, both Nigel and Landon’s parents had joined the others, trying to neutralize the situation. Tristan reached in his pocket for the keys to Susan’s BMW and drove us to the manor. Trey instructed him to wait.

Trey saw me to the door. "I want you to go up to our suite; I have some things to settle yet with my family and the Andrews'. I'm heading back with Tristan. I won't be long."

Once inside I hurried up the steps to our bedroom, exhausted from the drama and the secrets. I undressed wondering what Trey had meant by things to settle. I was sure another argument was brewing. I pulled on one of his tee shirts and climbed numbly under the sheets. I fell against the pillow, disheartened. I wished we were back in our apartment in Atlanta. Our life seemed normal there, happy and content. I never dreamed normal families could be so dysfunctional.

It was much later when I heard Trey come into the room. He climbed underneath the covers moving close to me. Maybe he was no longer angry. His hands slipped underneath the sheets and pulled me close to him. He'd no way of knowing that I was even awake but I didn’t think it mattered to him. He hooked his thumb inside the elastic waistband of my panties, pulling them down to my knees, slipping them lower over my feet and off. He pulled the covers back, grasping my tee shirt and pulling it up over my head. I was totally naked now but making no effort to encourage him. If he thought I was going to respond to his sexual foreplay after he’d had secret discussions with Tess he was wrong.

Trey had me on my back. I felt his hands on my breasts, kneading and pulling enticingly on my nipples. My body defied me, as it unwillingly responded to his caresses and touch. His lips moved to mine, plying them open and his tongue explored my mouth with sweet urgency.

“Trey, stop…don’t,” I murmured against his urgent lips. He paid me no heed as he continued his pursuit of pleasure down the column of my throat, licking and teasing my nipples to erection. I moved my hands down, tangling my fingers into his damp locks. I fisted his hair, tugging to pull him away. I didn’t want him to pleasure me; I didn’t want him to pleasure himself. He was oblivious to my denial.

“Stop,” I demanded, “I don’t want this now. I need you to tell me what the hell is going on!” I tried to wriggle away from him, but his hands locked around mine in a vice-like grip, raising my arms up over my head, pinning each one down against the mattress.

“You're mine, Tylar,” he demanded. I could smell the whisky on his breath. I realized then the depth of his anger. A small spark of fear trickled through me. Was this going to be a punishment screw? What was my crime?

“What’s this about, Trey?” I begged, as his teeth tugged at my earlobe.

“Hush,” he ordered as he straddled me, still pinning my arms above me. His knee spread my thighs apart. In the semi-darkness I could see that he held his erect cock as he hovered above me.

“This is a refresher course. You need to learn that you’re mine. I wasn’t happy with the attention you paid my brother tonight. It appears that our relationship is in dire need of ‘fuckification,’ would you agree?”

Oh wow. First things first…

I nodded silently; Trey could see my hesitant consent. He leaned over and switched on the bedside lamp. “My love is given freely, Tylar. I’ve surrendered my heart to you; I haven’t, however, relinquished my masculinity in the process. I won’t tolerate your dismissive treatment. Do you understand?” His eyes bore into mine. He expected an answer. I swallowed nervously.

“Yes,” I answered, nodding.

“Good,” he replied. His eyes regarded me coolly. “Shall I resume the lesson?”
