Page 175 of Maybe Baby

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I nodded, my arms still pinned above me, my wrists starting to numb under his grasp. He loosened his grip, drawing his arms back so that my hands were free. He rolled me onto my stomach and positioned two of the bed pillows under me so that my behind was raised to him. I felt his nearness as he straddled the backs of my thighs, his erection brushing my backside. I felt him caress my skin and then suddenly I felt the stinging slap of his hand across my butt.


The sting was followed by yet another harsh smack. Tears stung my eyes but it wasn't completely without pleasure that I cried. Something deep in my core felt gratified each time Trey delivered a firm crack of his palm to my now stinging ass. I wanted him to take charge, to punish me.

What was that about?

Trey decided I’d had enough and he massaged my reddening skin. He brushed his lips across my backside. Reaching an arm under me, he lifted me from my stomach to my elbows, drawing my butt upward toward him. He placed his hands on my hips, spreading my legs wider with his thigh. He demanded full access to my body. He pressed two fingers inside of me; I moaned as he moved them in a circular motion. He flexed them in and out rhythmically. The feeling was exquisite. I swiveled my hips in response to his fingers and when he pulled them out I whined in displeasure. Was he still punishing me?

Suddenly from behind Trey buried his full girth into me with one deliberate thrust. I cried out with pleasure at the fulfillment. He steadily drove his cock in and out of me with precision. I lifted my hips to him. Trey groaned from behind me and his cadence increased.

“This is mine, Tylar,” he rasped. His fingers dug into my hips as he eased out of me then slammed back inside. I cried out, loving the pleasure and pain he delivered. He stopped.

“Don’t stop!” I begged.

Trey moaned low in his throat as he buried his erection back inside of me. He repeated this over and over with slowness and deliberation. This treatment was punishing yet pleasurable, and I rolled my hips, pressing back against him with all the force that I could muster. His hands took charge of my hips, as he raised and lowered them to meet his thrusts at will. My need for him was overwhelming. Something had changed over the past several days interrupting our connection. I wanted–needed–it back.

I moaned as my sensitive area deep inside swelled with pleasure and the need for release.

“That’s it baby,” he cajoled, “I want you to give it to me now.” My climax exploded around him. I gasped at the intensity of it as it swirled wave after wave of pleasure throughout me. My body convulsed in pure sexual gratification that only Trey could provide. He groaned in satisfaction as his erection throbbed inside of me, emptying his orgasm within. He gave one final shudder, pulling my ass into his groin and moaning deep, completely satiated, rubbing my cheeks with his palms.

Trey collapsed beside me, pulling me up against him. He stroked my hair, pressing soft kisses all over my face, neck, and lips. He was tender and loving and his eyes searched mine for affirmation of some sort. I was confused; what had just happened?

“Were you really mad at me just now or was that just some fantasy played out?”

He smiled down at me, revealing his sexy dimple. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “A little bit of both,” he stated, propelling himself up and off the bed. I watched as he swaggered over to his closet, totally naked and gloriously beautiful. I wondered how such a magnificent man could have insecurities about anything.

Trey returned to bed wearing boxers. He climbed under the covers, pulling me to him. “So,” he said, “are you ready to hear what happened tonight after we dropped you off?”

“How messed up is it?” I asked.

“It’s pretty crazy. You may decide to run screaming back to Kentucky.”

“Doubtful, Trey. Knowing all that you do about me and my baggage, it couldn’t possibly rival that.”

Trey shot me a “wanna bet” look.

“First things first. The reason Tess called me was to get some confidential legal advice. Despite our past, she knows that she can trust me and I think you’ll understand why it had to be me she called for help. Apparently, Tess and Nigel are in love.”

I gasped, sitting bolt upright in disbelief.

“No!” I choked, “Really?”

Trey nodded. “Tess spent a lot of time with Caroline in Napa; Zach spent a lot of time on the road jockeying. Tess said she was never compatible with her husband; she clearly saw that Caroline wasn't happy or compatible with Nigel. They formed a friendship borne out of mutual misery, it seems. When Zach was around during off-season, the two couples would go yachting together. The affair has been going on for several years. Tristan knew about it. The only reason I found out was through Tess.”

I studied his expression, eager to see whether it bothered him that his ex-fiancée had been screwing his own brother. He didn’t appear fazed at all.

“Zach found out about the affair and threatened to tell Caroline if Tess didn’t agree to his terms for a divorce. Tess brought most of the wealth into that marriage and Zach basically wanted it all. I advised Tess not to agree to Zach’s terms, that she and Nigel needed to come clean with Caroline. That was their plan after the first of the year. Tonight when Landon arrived, all of that changed. He came inside dropping digs about seeing you and Tristan outside hugging.”

He stopped, a frown crossing his face. His expression changed to sheepishness when he continued. “I was pissed, and pretty drunk, so I made an off-the-cuff remark about people in glass houses not throwing stones. Landon was immediately on the defensive. He asked me how the fuck I knew about it. I told him a family member had divulged the whole sordid secret. He immediately went to Tess and started threatening to out her. I was extremely confused about why Nigel’s affair with Tess would infuriate Landon. To make an already long story short, Landon misunderstood my comments. He thought I was referring to the affair that he’s been having with Caroline.”

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed, my voice rising.

Trey shushed me while nodding his head. Apparently, Landon had confided in Tess, not knowing that Tess was in love with Nigel.

“This should be on Jerry Springer.”

Trey nodded and pressed on. “Anyway, by this time, everything unraveled. Caroline was mad because Nigel had been cheating with Tess and because Landon knew and hadn’t told her out of loyalty to his sister.”
