Page 176 of Maybe Baby

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“And your parents?”

“I’m quite sure both sets of parents are extremely disgusted with it all.”

“Where’s Caroline now?”

“She left with Landon. Nigel’s back here and Tess is with her family. Caroline is flying back to California tomorrow. This is their problem to sort out now. I’m glad everything’s out in the open. By the way, while everyone was airing their dirty laundry tonight, I clarified something to both families.”

“What was that?” I asked.

“They all know now that the baby Tess miscarried was Zach’s, not mine. Feel better?”

“Yes,” I said, sighing, “for some reason I really do.”

“That doesn’t mean that the friendship between my parents and the Andrews won’t be strained for a while, but in reality, everyone seems to be with the person that they really want to be with for now.”

“What about you, Trey?”

“I’m with the person I love, but she won’t marry me. It bothers me; I can’t lie. What’s to say after our baby’s born you won’t find another reason to avoid marrying me. I understand what frightens you. I really do.”

“What frightens me?”

“Your past,” he answered, “and the fact that you feel as if you're a product of it. You’re not one bit like your mother.”

“How can you be so sure, Trey?”

“I can see what you’re made of and it’s all good.”

“I don’t have a point of reference on marriage,” I admitted, shrugging. “I’ve been left to my own devices since childhood. I’m independent. I don’t know if I could adapt. We fight a lot, too.”

“We can find our way together, Tylar,” he answered softly. “It’s new to me, too. There will be disagreements and arguments; that's to be expected.”

“I get that Trey, but you're extremely bossy. You have to let me make some of my own decisions.”

“I will. I promise. Let’s get some sleep now, Tylar,” he said softly, pulling the covers up over us. “We can talk more in the morning, on our way home.”

“We’re leaving tomorrow?” I asked, surprised.

“Oh yeah, I’ve had enough family for one holiday.” He leaned over, resting his hand on my abdomen and kissing my lips softly. The distance between us had closed. We felt the fluttering at the same time.

“Did you feel that?” Trey asked, excitement in his voice, sitting up and raising the covers off of me.

“Uh, yeah, probably more than you did,” I laughed. Trey was resting his ear on my abdomen now, grinning like a fool. “What do you expect to hear down there?” I asked.

“I’m not sure,” he replied, “maybe some swishing around or something?”

I giggled at his absurdity. I knew that Trey was going to make a wonderful father and husband. It was me that I was unsure of at the moment. There was just too much unfinished business with my mother and my messed-up past. She was still out there and she had some explaining to do.


North Bay Hospital, May 2nd

Gina's pacing back and forth in front of my hospital bed. She's holding her phone up to her ear, nervously cracking her chewing gum. She's giving Ian another update on my progress.

“She’s still at six centimeters, Ian, same as when you called 10 fucking minutes ago,” she says, her irritation undisguised. “Christ how in the hell should I know how long it’ll take her to get fully dilated? How many babies have I squeezed out?”

Gina turns and looks over at me to see if I'm having another contraction. She is astute at reading my white knuckles, having been by my side for the past two hours. She whirls back around snapping her gum and trying to lower her voice on my account I'm sure.

“No, he’s not here yet,” she whispers hoarsely into her phone. “His personal assistant is over at the courthouse now trying to get word to him. I don’t know; some big class action lawsuit that’s been going on for days.” She steps closer to the door, “Dig this, a bunch of desperate housewives are suing some publishing house for glorifying sadistic sex in some freaking erotica novels…hell yes I’m for real,” she giggles, “apparently, they decided to try some of the shit they read about and got permanently injured downthere.Is that not a hoot?”
