Page 41 of Maybe Baby

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“To my suite,” Trey directed without hesitation.

Thatcher didn’t bat an eye, as he lifted my suitcase and ascended the wide staircase just off of the entrance hall to deposit my things inTrey’s suite.

“Trey,” I said, “I’m not sure about this.”

“About what?” he asked, looking surprised.

“About staying here, without you being here. It’s going to make me feel really weird,” I said quietly.

“I see no reason why it should,” he replied nonchalantly. “You heard me ask Thatcher to see to your every comfort. He'll inform the rest of the staff to do the same.”

“I know,” I replied, “but what about when I’m off work? I mean, its sort’ve like I’ve been separated from the group.”

“You're not seriously thinking about going to work tomorrow are you?” he asked, incredulously.

“Well, yeah,” I answered. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Tylar, you're not to leave the manor, do you understand?”

“Whoa Trey, I don’t understand.”

“I’ve already explained to you how I feel about you. If the first message you received with the jewelry left under your bed covers wasn’t clear enough, this latest one certainly was. No— I’m afraid I cannot allow you to put yourself at risk until we find out who's behind this.”

“Trey, I appreciate your concern for me and I no more want to stay in that cottage by myself then you do, but we have to draw the line somewhere. I still need to work. I could go behind your back and go in anyway tomorrow, you know that. So let’s please find a way to make it happen, okay? I want to work tomorrow.”

I saw a flicker of amusement cross his handsome features.

“Tell you what,” he offered, “why don’t I take you upstairs to my suite, and let you draw yourself a nice relaxing bubble bath? How does that sound?”

“I’d really like that,” I answered.

“Good, and while you're doing that, I'll make a couple of phone calls, and get myself packed for tomorrow’s trip. Then we’ll meet up and discuss tomorrow, sound fair?”

“Absolutely,” I agreed, flashing him a smile.

Trey led me upstairs through his suite of rooms to the large bathroom. There was a double marble shower at one end. In the center was a sunken bathtub with jets. The double vanity was against the adjacent wall next to the commode. The bathroom was ceramic tile throughout, with brass fixtures, ceiling fans, and one wall was completely mirrored. Trey gathered some clean towels and washcloths for me.

“Tylar, your suitcase is on the bed. You can unpack the rest of your things after your bath. I shouldn’t be more than an hour.”

I nodded and smiled. I filled the sunken tub with vanilla bath oil. It felt so relaxing. After I finished my bath I wrapped one of the large bath towels around me and returned to the bedroom. Trey wasn't back yet so I found a short silk nightgown to wear to bed. I brushed my teeth, placing my toothbrush in the holder next to Trey’s. I was so tired and Trey's king-sized bed was so inviting. I crawled beneath the sheets feeling safe and secure for once.

I woke up to a dark room and was momentarily alarmed until I remembered where I was. I heard the shower going in the bathroom. The clock on Trey’s nightstand read 11:33. Trey and I still needed to have our talk. The shower stopped; I could hear him moving around in the bathroom, closing drawers and brushing his teeth. The bathroom door opened and he flipped the light off as he came into the bedroom. He was wearing only a pair of silk boxers. His stomach was flat and taut. He climbed into bed next to me and leaned over to set his alarm. I moved over to him and kissed him.

“Did I wake you, Tylar?” he asked, turning over and pulling me close.

“I expected you to wake me, Trey. We're supposed to discuss tomorrow, remember?”

“It’s all taken care of,” he announced. “I called Rebecca and she will swing by here about 8:45 in the morning to pick you up for work, okay?”

“Great,” I said, happily.

“She will drop you back off here at 4:15 p.m. after your shift.”

“I don’t really think I’m comfortable staying here without you being here. I just feel weird about it.”

“Nonsense, Tylar. This is where I want you this week, understood?”

“Whatever,” I replied pulling the covers up to my chin. I dozed off again briefly, waking a bit later, feeling Trey’s warmth right next to me. I snuggled closer to Trey, pressing my backside against his front to see if anything stirred.
