Page 42 of Maybe Baby

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“What,areyou doing, Tylar?”

“Nothing,” I answered, continuing now to swivel my hips ever so slowly against his crotch. "Go back to sleep."

“I hardly think so,” he whispered, rolling me over onto my back and positioning himself above me. He clasped my hands, our fingers interlocking above my head. I had goose bumps. He lowered his head and his mouth found mine in an instant. His kiss was passionate and hungry and mine matched his with the same intensity. He released my hands and I clasped them behind his head. His hair was still damp from the shower. I covered his lips and his face with kisses. I couldn’t get enough of him. I pulled him down on top of me, wanting to feel his full weight. I could feel his hardness and I wanted it. Putting both of my hands beneath his firm backside, I pulled him closer. He quickly moved off of me and pulled himself up into a sitting position. His breathing was heavy and ragged.

“Tylar, we talked about this remember?”

“No Trey, you talked and I listened."

“Tylar,” he said, “do you know how much I want to touch you? Do you know how much right this minute I want to be inside of you?”

“Then whyaren’tyou?” I asked. “What areyouafraid of?”

His eyes darkened. “I'll tell you what I'm afraid of Tylar. I’m afraid of starting something that we can’t finish. I’m afraid that I may do something that will send you reeling back in time to some sick memory or childhood dream. I don’t want to be the person that evokes some deep dark memory or painful experience you’ve tucked away in your subconscious. I want to be the person that's there for you once you have found the answers, and works with you to chase those demons away.”

“So you want me to find the answers somehow, someway, and then you’ll be there for me to help sort them out, right? Isn’t that kind of like sending me down into the coal mine alone, but being there for me if and when I come out, to help me weigh the coal?

“That’s a total misrepresentation of what I said and you damn well know it," he shot back.

“Oh, is it? The fact you won’t touch me makes me feel all that much more damaged and undesirable I’ll never be good enough for you, will I, Trey?”

“What?” he choked. He continued to stare at me with those exquisite, blue eyes, but he was unreadable. He didn’t say a word and his silence spoke volumes. I shrugged my pink robe on headed to the bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" asked with alarm.

“To find another bedroom.”

I located a small empty bedroom around the corner from Trey’s wing. The wall switch turned on the light on the nightstand next to the made-up double bed. It was a pleasant enough room, definitely free of distractions. I climbed between the sheets and surrendered to sleep.


Trey came to my “new” bedroom at 6:30 the next morning, waking me as he sat down on the bed beside me. He was dressed impeccably in a pale blue oxford button-down dress shirt that brought out the intensity of his sapphire eyes. His gray, tailored trousers accentuated his lean, muscular build. The gray and blue Repp striped silk tie made his Armani traveling executive look complete.

“Tylar,” he said, sounding business-like, “I’m getting ready to take off for the airport. I just wanted to make sure you're settled in.” He looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. “There are larger rooms available, Tylar—”

“This one is fine.”

“Okay then. Well, you have some time to get your things from my suite and get situated in here before you leave for work. Thatcher will get you anything you need if you let him know.”

“Fine,” I answered, not meeting his gaze.

“Don’t forget, Rebecca will be by to pick you up for work this morning around 8:45. She will bring you back here after work as well,” he reminded me again. “Tylar, I want you to stay here all week. I'll give you a call when I can, but my schedule with the trial is fairly brutal. You can always leave a message for me on my cell and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I left my business card with all of my contact information in Atlanta on top of your suitcase back in my room.”

At this point, I was merely nodding my head each time I received an instruction from him, half-listening. I wanted to go back to sleep.

“I guess that’s it, unless you have any questions for me?”

“Nope,” I answered rolling over so that my back was to him. “Have a safe trip.”

“Have a good week, Tylar,” he said. I felt the bed shift as he stood. My eyes welled up with tears. I closed them tightly, trying to get the image of him out of my mind.

“There's one other thing,” I heard his soft, silky voice. He'd come around to the other side of the bed, and was down on his haunches, front of me. He leaned over, his thumb brushing a tear that had spilled from my cheek. He kissed me softly on my lips, stroking my hair. I threw my covers back a bit, raising myself to my knees to be level with him. I laced my arms around his neck and buried my face against his shoulder. He smelled so good. I was probably leaving tearstains on his impeccably ironed oxford shirt. He pressed me to him, his chin resting on my hair.

“Will you promise to be a good girl while I’m gone, please? I don’t want to be worried about you during this trial.”

“Yes I promise, Trey.”

He gave me another squeeze, kissing the top of my head. I pulled back, lifting my face to his. We kissed again, this time our lips moved sensually, passionately. I pressed myself to him, and my teeth gently tugged at his lower lip as we slowly parted. And then he was gone. I heard the heavy front doors downstairs open and close a few moments later.
