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“Ryder isn’t here,” she said, noticing that Freya gave her a funny look. “He’s coming soon with Noah.”

“Okay.” Ruby nodded and stepped into the room. “How’s that little guy?” She gestured toward Chase.

“On the mend, thankfully. You’ll be relieved to know I spent the night with him because he’s my priority.”

“I know my comment came out badly.” Ruby scrunched up her adorable button nose. “I don’t have a great relationship with my mom, and I tend to project that on everyone else. I’m sorry.” She blew out a breath. “My grandma raked me over the coals for making you feel bad, if that helps.”

Esme thought about it and then offered Ruby a smile. “I suppose it does.”

“The younger generation should listen to their elders,” Freya murmured to Chase, although it was clear who the comment was meant for.

Ruby grinned at the older woman. “You must be Chase’s grandma.”

“No. I’m Freya Fortune. I’m...”

“His great-great-aunt,” Esme explained. “Freya is the reason my siblings and I moved to Chatelaine.”

Ruby whistled and grimaced slightly. “You must be really special. I don’t know anyone who wants to come to this town, although I suppose things are getting better thanks to all the Fortunes moving here. But this place is still about as tiny as they come.”

Esme laughed. “You haven’t visited my hometown of Cave Creek.”

“Can’t say that I have,” Ruby agreed.

“Chatelaine is a wonderful town,” Freya insisted. “And a great place to raise a family.” She quickly glanced at Esme. “At least, that’s what I’ve heard.”

“I suppose.” Ruby nodded. “My family has been here for generations. My great-uncle Joe died when that mine collapsed years ago. It took a toll on the whole town, almost like everyone was frozen in time, so it’s nice to see new restaurants and shops opening.”

“Like Remi’s Reads,” Esme supplied, still touched by the special evening Ryder had given her before everything had gone horribly awry.

“And your sister’s restaurant,” Freya added.

“The Cowgirl Café,” Esme told Ruby. “You’ll have to check it out when Bea has her grand opening in a couple of months.”

“I will. Hey, Esme, no hard feelings about me giving my number to Ryder, right? It wasn’t cool, I know, and not just because Nana lit me up. For the record, he never called.”

Esme accepted the woman’s apology without mentioning that she’d been the one to throw away the slip of paper.

“You look familiar,” Ruby said to Freya, inclining her head as she studied the woman. “Have we met?”

“No,” Freya answered definitively.

“She visited me in the hospital after Chase was born.” Esme stepped out from behind the teddy bear and moved closer to her great-aunt, who seemed taken aback by Ruby’s question. “You probably saw her then.”

“Probably,” the nursing assistant agreed. “Well, I’ve got to get back to the L and D unit. See you around, Esme. Nice to meet you, Freya Fortune.”

“That girl was odd.” Freya transferred Chase back to Esme’s arms. “I don’t think she’s ever seen me before.”

“Maybe you have a familiar face,” Esme suggested.

Ryder walked in with Noah at that moment, and Freya made an excuse to leave almost immediately.

“Is she okay?” Ryder asked when it was just the two of them and the boys in the room.

“I think so.” Esme’s heart stuttered as Ryder studied her, then warmed as Noah wriggled in his carrier at the sound of her voice. She had about as much control over her heart as she did her tingling body where Ryder was concerned.

“Want to trade babies?” Ryder asked.

Esme gasped.
