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Chapter Twenty


Millie and I are still having an adventure, but the city is large and a tad scary. Several males look at us with interest, but I give them my best bitch look. This keeps most of them at bay. A few try to detain us. I just look at them and say, “No thanks, I am meeting my mates somewhere and they won’t appreciate having to clean your carcass off their boots. Tet and Tan are a bit possessive.” That generally gets them to step back and let us pass.

Just like males on Earth, women have to invoke the mate, husband, or boyfriend to get them to back off. Seriously, why can’t females throughout the Universe just walk around without males trying to molest them. Just take “no” for an answer, assholes.

Just as I start worrying I may be lost a big sign over a fancy shop that says, The Galactic Gallery. Holy shit, this is some fancy shop. Where did my mates send me?

Millie and I walk in the door and a green female with shiny black hair hanging down her back, horns, and pointed ears towers over us as she greets us. “Ladies, what can I do for you? Such a surprise to have humans enter my establishment.” She looks us up and down, but her smile doesn’t leave. I am a little uncomfortable. Anytime my mom and I were in stores like this one, we had just had a trip to get our nails and hair done and were dressed to the nines. Millie and I barely ran combs through our hair and our clothes are what the replicator could make, not real stylish.

“My mates, Tet and Tan Bl’Wski, told me to meet them here.” I try to be cool.

“Tenaya Bl’Wski’s sons? Well, welcome, we are privileged to have the mate of her oldest sons. Will you excuse me, please. Take a look around and I will be back to assist you.” Well, maybe, we won’t have that “Pretty Woman” moment. Millie and I enjoy going through some of the displays. They don’t have racks of clothes like stores on Earth. Instead, there are holographic mannequins that move to show you the outfit. They talk to you and tell you that you might like it in a different color or need these accessories to go with the garments. Truly interactive.

We are having so much fun. Then it happened, the green female returns.

“I am sorry, humans, but Tenaya says her sons have no mate.” She looks upset, but still maintains a professional demeanor. “I am going to have to regretfully ask you to leave.”

“But my mates are meeting me here!” I state.

Tet must have felt my panic. What is the matter, my heart.

The lady says that your mother doesn’t know me and I have to leave. I let him know. Suddenly, the green alien’s com goes off. I hear Tet sternly talking to the female. All we hear clearly is her murmurs of, “Yes,Sir.”, “I understand, Sir.” And, finally, “Anything they want, yes, Sir.” She looks at me with embarrassment.

“I am terribly sorry, My Lady.” I feel a bit sorry for her. She was polite and let us look around. But I am also glad I have a telepathic mate that could lay into her, because I had no clue what we would have done, if we had to leave. “It is okay., I assure her. “You didn’t know. Heck, my mother-in-law didn’t know. This is a very new relationship, you see. We” I indicate to Millie and I, “Were just rescued a week ago from these creepy slaver dudes.” She looks a bit relieved and starts showing us clothing that we would need if we plan on staying on the space station.

We are on our way; have some fun, my heart, Tan states.

We apologize. We should have contacted mother and let her know we had found you. Tet is feeling bad for the situation.

It is OK, the lady was professional and very nice, I reassured them. Really, at no time was she mean, even when she thought we had lied.

“My mates are on their way. We will enjoy looking around on our own but thank you for being so kind. Despite the mix up.” She quickly leaves us to our own devices but stays close in case we need anything. I found a few outfits that looked comfortable and the owner came to show me how to order. The dress was made in just seconds and it was a perfect fit. I asked about undergarments and she showed me their lingerie. Within moments I had a whole new wardrobe. Millie was hesitant to let my mates buy her clothes, but she was convinced to let me order her a few new outfits.

By the time Tet and Tan roll in, there is quite a large pile of boxes ready to be shipped to our quarters.

I throw my arms around Tet and give him a quick kiss before doing the same for Tan. They chuckle as they look at the pile.

You had a good time didn’t you, my heart? Tet puffs out his chest in pride.

Yes, my mate, I acquiesce to him with a quick hug. You don’t mind that I bought so much?

No, my heart, this won’t force bankruptcy on Tet and I Tan gives me a wink.

“My lords, your mate has done you proud.” The green female is almost bowing in her obeisance, “Like your mother, she has excellent taste.”

“I am glad that she has something in common with our mother, A’Gam,” Tan says with a grin.

“Is there a hair dresser and nail salon nearby,” I ask knowing full well I am pushing the gambit a bit, but I must look a fright next to the elegant female. “I must look a fright after so much time on board a ship full of males who have no clue what it takes to keep a woman pretty.” I feel my mates humor.

“Actually, you will like this, Lady Bl’Wski!” She has me step into a booth, there is an image on the wall that confirms my statement. A few moments with some soothing energy and my curls are shiny and bouncy. My face is beautifully made up and my nails look like works of art. A‘Gam handed me one of my more casual outfits and…Voilà! I look like I just stepped out of a sleek shop on Rodeo Drive. Tet and Tan give me hot looks as I leave the booth.

“Common, Millie. Your turn.” I grab my friend and shove her into the booth with a new outfit. When she walks out of the booth, she is gorgeous.

“Oh Millie, you are beautiful!” She shines with confidence. “Now, you just stay away from my males.” I tell her with a big grin, but I am a bit concerned. She really is so beautiful.

There is nothing for you to worry about, Kelsey, Tan reassures me, You are the only female we will ever want.

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