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“The dates haven’t been officially set, but sometime next year.” He turns to me. “Maybe I can enlist you as my official tour guide?”

I hesitate. “I’m not sure I’ll be there. My university is two hours away, and after I graduate—” I haven’t really decided what I’ll do after I graduate, but returning to Rotheberg for good isn’t on the list. I want to see the world.

Eduard makes two fists at me, his thumbs tucked in. “Perhaps I will be fortunate.”

Teo notes my confusion at the gesture. “It means good luck. Kind of like crossing your fingers.”

“Oh.” I make fists back at the duke, unsure what I’m hoping for. Giving royalty a tour of my hometown would be… well, it would be a novel experience. But finding a dream job—whatever that might be—somewhere else would be amazing. I’m throwing that out into the universe, just in case.

Eduard makes an aborted movement toward the door. “Would you like to see the private rooms?”

I gulp. Is he asking if I want to see his bedroom? “Aren’t these the private rooms? I thought that’s why they weren’t on the regular tour.”

“The tour only visits a small selection of the official spaces. Many of these rooms are used for greeting heads of state and important visitors. We can’t let random tourists wander through. It is a security problem.” He smiles apologetically.

Teo glances at his watch. “I’m afraid we must beg off for today, Your Highness. I have an appointment, and I must escort Eva home first.”

Eduard waves a hand. “Nonsense. I can send her in a car, later. If you’d like to stay, Eva?”

On the one hand, I’m a little put out that these men think I need an escort to get home. I flew halfway around the world on my own—I think I can get the right train back to Schöne Aussicht. But the idea of being whisked home in a royal carriage makes me feel like I’ve been dropped into a fairy tale.

Not that it matters—Lina and I have plans for tonight, and I’m not going to dump a friend for a guy. Not even a royal guy. “I’m sorry, I have a thing tonight and need to get going.”

Eduard’s face falls, but he hides the disappointment immediately. Being the royal heir probably gets lonely. “I understand.”

I mentally kick myself. How many times am I going to get an offer to see a royal palace? Rather than being impressed by my loyalty, Lina will probably kill me for refusing. She’s obsessed with royals. “But maybe I can reschedule with Lina.”

The duke rewards me with a brilliant smile. “Is Lina your blonde friend?”

I do a double take. “How—have you been watching me? Did the secret service see us on the tour together?” I peer around the room, looking for cameras. They must have them in all of the public rooms.

He laughs. “I saw you at the pub last weekend, remember?”

I glance at Teo, but he’s gazing at the massed flowers as if our conversation bores him. I turn back to the duke. “I didn’t realize you’d actually noticed us.”

“Your colorful hair draws attention.”

Self-consciously, I tug the end of my blue and purple braid. “It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? My friend is a hairdresser, and she uses me as a test subject. She outdid herself this time.”

“It’s quite something.” His tone is hard to read, but I’m not sure he’s a fan. “To return to my point—if your ‘thing’ tonight is with your blonde friend, perhaps she would like to join us here first? If she’s interested.” He trails off, as if he’s not one hundred percent sure anyone in their right mind would jump at a chance to visit a royal palace. His act is pretty convincing.

“Lina would love to see your palace! I can text her.” I yank out my phone. “Where should I tell her to?—”

“I’ll have someone meet her at the Schlossplatz Station.” Eduard pulls out his own phone and taps the screen.

Teo swings around. “I can do that.”

“Nonsense. You have a commitment, and I have people. Don’t worry about it.” The duke’s thumbs fly across the keyboard. “What time will she be here?”

“Uh—” Blinking at the speed at which events are happening, I send Lina a text.

Wanna meet the Grand Duke?


Heck yeah! How? When??!! Where??!?!?!

Schlossplatz. Now. Hope you didn’t go home.
