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She grinned mischievously. “Is this part of making sure I have everything I need?”

“I think it’s important for you to have an appropriate support system.”

But really, my inner wolf was going haywire. Were there other men in her life? Did she have any romantic attractions to other men?

I just had to know. “I want you to have the least stressful pregnancy possible.”

“That’s kind of you to say.”

“Isn’t that just the bare minimum?”

Her eyebrows shot up, and I couldn’t help laughing as the waitress delivered our drinks. After taking a sip of my mocktail, I focused on Anita again.

She tapped her straw against her bottom lip. “According to our contract, that’s beyond the bare minimum.”

“You might be right about that.”


I chuckled gruffly while lifting my drink. “Is this the arguing stage of pregnancy?”

“Well, I’m not pregnant.” She took a sip of her drink before adding, “Yet.”

“Here’s to hoping.”

As I held up my glass, she held up hers. The moment our glasses met, a splash of her drink got on my wrist. She worriedly grabbed napkins to wipe it up. Just watching her get flustered over me stroked my ego more than it should have, but I didn’t want it to stop. Her attentiveness was addictive.

Crimson decorated her cheeks when she finally settled back into her seat. She bowed over her drink, an unacceptable reaction to a simple accident. I reached out to lift her chin, catching her swirling gaze that gave me a wild idea.

“What if it didn’t work?” I asked, tracing her lower lip lightly with my thumb. “What if we have to try a different way?”

Her shuddering breath coasted my fingers. “Hey, do you want to go back to my place?”


“Yeah, I mean…” She blinked bashfully. “Like, do you need to check and make sure everything in there is sufficient for me?”

I stroked her chin gently. “Actually, that’s a good idea.”

No, it was a bad idea. It was the worst idea, a wild idea that could get us both in a lot of legal trouble. Patricia had been remarkably clear about the way surrogate and family relationships should go. The only times we were to be in touch would be at the clinic for appointments or monitored meetings.

We weren’t supposed to meet like this outside ofStork’s. But I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t deny that I wanted to ensure the survival of my bloodline in this woman. And I could easily do that all night if that was what it took.

After paying for our drinks, we rushed back to my car where I held the door for her. It felt like second nature to be connected to her, to reach for her hand over the center console as I drove us back to her apartment. None of it felt like it was out of place or forced. It was like we’d been on several dates by now and were finally taking that next-level plunge together.

But when I pulled up to her apartment building—when I saw that tall man standing under the yellow haze of the porch lamp—my jealousy returned in a flash. Anger billowed in my chest while Anita inspected my expression.

“What is it?” She turned to look in the direction I was staring, a gasp leaving her lips that was unmistakable. “Oh god…it’s Phil.”

Chapter 6 - Anita

Panic. Dread.Regret.

I knew he would find me. I knew in my bones that he would come after me, and yet I’d chosen to ignore my body’s warnings. I sat in the passenger seat of Liam’s car while clenching my tote bag to my chest and trying to cover my belly.

There was no way Phil knew about the clinic. He couldn’t know anything. I didn’t need to protect a stomach that wasn’t even housing anything significant just yet. But the instinct came nonetheless, and I couldn’t help leaning into it.

I reached over the center console. I grabbed the hand that seemed to soothe me and squeezed—but he didn’t squeeze back.
