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Oh, but I was hopeful. I clung to the idea of her carrying my child, committing it to my mind as hard as I had the notes about her preferences. She looked at me through her lashes, appearing less pale than she had moments ago.

I draped my hand over the back of her neck, finding her skin warmer than I would have thought for a human. It was like she was a miniature heater.

“Can I lie down?” she asked sweetly.

Not a chance in hell could I say no to that darling request. I guided her from the couch to the stairs and held her hand as she ascended with me. Each step caused my heart to jolt. Because each step led us closer to my bedroom.

But that wasn’t where we were going. Neither of us was in the mood for whatever flirtatious and wild agreement we’d made the mocktail bar. She was too nauseous. I was hopped up on adrenaline. I had to keep an eye out just in case Phil had any buddies who were out looking for him.

Thankfully, her neighbors had been asleep when I scared the piss out of the guy. I’d flashed him my canines and swatted him with a partially shifted paw to get him dazed. Once he was stunned, I locked him into a headlock and knocked him out.Whenever he woke up, he’d probably be in the drunk tank at the sheriff’s station. He’d probably forget all about the wolf he may or may not have boxed tonight.

It would stay that way as long as he stayed away from Anita.

We wandered past the main bedroom and stepped about five feet toward a room on the left, the guest suite that had its own bathroom. Creamy tan walls with navy carpet and a modern bed and dresser occupied the smaller space. It wasn’t fancy. It certainly wasn’t as big as her studio. But it was better than her sleeping by herself.

“You’ll be safe here,” I told her as I led her to the bed. “I promise.”

I knelt at her feet to unlace her boots. I slid them off one at a time, running my fingers reverently over her ankles for just a modicum of her warmth. She was brimming with heat now, and after I set her feet on the bed, I dared to slide my hand over her curvy hip.

She writhed with a soft gasp, rolling to her side as she frowned through her sleepiness. “Are you wearing cologne?”

I studied her serene features. No more fear there. Not tonight. “No, Anita. Get some rest.”

“You smell like leather…and spice…”

I swept my hand over her shoulder and her neck. “Do I?”


My fingers skirted her cheek, slid over her ear, and caught the threads of her hair. “Anita, give me his full name.”


“Phil. What’s his full name?”

Her brows knotted and relaxed in quick succession. “Phil Martin.”

“Get some sleep. I’m going to research more about your ex-boyfriend so I can track him.”

“Just how are you going to do that, Liam?”

I smirked while brushing my fingers through her silky hair. “Don’t you worry about that, Ani.”

Chapter 8 - Anita

A warm lump that purred like a motor woke me from my sleep. I blinked a few times, staring at the popcorn ceiling above my bed. That definitely wasn’t what my studio ceiling looked like. Where was the telltale water stain in the shape of Wisconsin? The terrible thumping sound from the neighbor beating his rug on his back porch right next to my room?

Memphis stretched his paw to my mouth. I stared at him while he extended his claws to scratch the very surface of my skin. He never punctured me. It was more like his way of warning me that hecouldscratch me if I didn’t get up and feed him.

Whistling came from downstairs. The sound of pans clanked, and then a sharpsizzlethat made me think of bacon. I sat up while sniffing the air. Oh my god, thatwasbacon. The crackle of eggs came next, accompanied by the distinctpopof a toaster delivering freshly toasted bread.

Memphis purred louder while reaching for my face. I pushed his paw away. He resolutely returned it to my cheek where he extended his claws in full force.

“Ouch,” I whined with a chuckle. “Get down, you spoiled brat.” I smiled as I shoved my face into his fur and kissed him. “I’m sorry, baby. I love you. You’re the sweetest little baby ever with the kissiest face and—”


I squeaked, sending Memphis to the ground with an indignant huff and the flick of his tail. While he was fine, I knew he was offended. I would probably pay for that later with five more scratches from his stinky paws. I clutched the bedsheets while staring at the doorway where Liam stood in a white muscle shirt that had definitely seen better days and a pair of gray joggers.
