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The band warmed my palm. I was mesmerized by the sight of it, feeling the warmth trickle through my wrist and into my solar plexus. Just the thought of handing this ring to Anita made me choke up a bit, causing my sister to pull me into a hug.

“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered. “She’s opened you up to love—and you were brave enough to give it a try.”

I took a shuddering breath. “Thanks, you dork.”

She chuckled as she kissed my cheek. “Let’s get youringedup.”

“Ah, I gotta remember that one for later.” I wiped my eyes and took another breath, this one more confident. “Want to grab some boba on the way out?”

She practically bounced out of her boots. “I thought you’d never ask.”

After paying for the ring and storing it in a red velvet box, Kylie took me back through the claustrophobic alleyway to the main street on the other side. I shook off the cramped feeling and walked with her to the boba place.

Now that I had the ring, I could get the next surprise for Anita—and that would be where Fred came into play.


The doorbell rang just after I got home with Anita’s gift in my pocket. I had just kissed her forehead, noticing the slight shift to her energy, and she gave me a curious look at the sound.

I grinned. “It’s just Regina. She’s doing the memory rooting this afternoon.”

Relief swept over her features. “Oh, that’s right. I almost forgot.” She rubbed her head. “I’m having trouble sleeping.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find the answers.”

At the door, Regina met us with a sunny grin wearing a light green cashmere sweater and a thick jean skirt with boots and white stockings. Gray eyes sparkled like a glittering silver mineshaft full of crystals. Hair the color of lavender hung in wavy ringlets around her shoulders.

“Thanks for coming,” I said as I stepped aside. “Please, come in.”

She greeted me with a pat to my cheek and then reached for Anita. “You had that dream again.”

Anita paled. “How did you know about—?”

“Liam mentioned your blood panel revealed latent magic.” Regina guided Anita to the couch and sat down with her. “I can see it in your eyes now. I can see why Phil was obsessed with you.”

Anita frowned. “So, it was my fault he was…?”

Regina shook her head emphatically. “No, ma’am. None of that was your fault. He was just even more attracted to you because of this magic lingering inside you.”

She held her hand over Anita’s forehead and closed her eyes. Silence fell over the room, so hefty that I thought I could actuallyhearthe silence.

The witch took a deep breath. “I see it now. There’s a memory spell in here.”

She tapped Anita’s forehead. Anita’s eyelids fluttered.

I felt her anxiety. I didn’t like that she was uncomfortable, but the look Regina gave me told me not to interfere. I had to trust her if we were going to get answers. Trust was hard outside of my usual network.

But I had to try. For Anita.

“Bless my stars. It’s only a curtain,” Regina stated cheerfully. “We can just pull that back and then—”

Anita gasped while falling backward. She stared at the skylight with eyes wide enough to take over her face. She almost looked like Eassie for a second. But when she sat up, she was grinning with tears in her eyes.

“I remember now,” she whispered triumphantly. “My parents—they were trying to help during the war.”

I ran around the couch and kneeled next to her. “What war? The vampire-wolf wars?”

She nodded. “They were allies for the peaceful unity of both species. It’s why they gave me up. So I would be safe.”
