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Patricia pointed directly at it. “There.”

I whimpered as I held Liam’s hand to my cheek. “That’s our baby.”

He sniffled, his voice cracking as he said, “Yep, that’s ours.”

Patricia beamed. “They’re looking great so far, Anita. You’ve got a healthy development happening here. Do you want me to take a picture?”

“Yes,” I croaked. “Absolutely, yes.”

She snapped a few photos that were printed on the side of the tan machine. After the ultrasound was done and we were given a clean bill of health, Patricia left the room to let me get dressed. This time, Liam stayed with me to help me with my clothes.

The sweater dress was the easiest thing to get back on. I smiled at my mate, stroking his cheek with my left hand that sported the ring he’d given me two weeks ago. “Ready to get back for the ritual?”

“I’ve been dying to marry you all morning, Ani.”

He kissed my lips, transferring his smile to me.

After we wrapped up our appointment at the clinic, we darted to the car, laughing and smiling the whole way back to the pack lands. Late to our own ritual—that seemed on par for me, though no one actually seemed to mind by the time we got to the barn on the other side of the cornfield. White lace decorated the entrance with red roses in glass vases on a few small tables. Straw covered the ground. It was the perfect country wedding, one that I’d never dreamed of having, but had hoped for through so many nights spent by myself.

It was just going to be a small ceremony for our immediate family members—my parents, Kylie, Fred, and both alphas were in attendance. Since neither Liam nor I had elders in the pack, Regina had volunteered to come back and officiate our wedding herself. Traditions seemed malleable in this place. That made me happy since I didn’t know my grandparents at all.

As I stood in front of Regina and watched her mix the ritual oils under the guidance of Alpha Troy, I listened to the sound of my heartbeat. I felt my stomach flip as she soaked herfingers in the oils. I noticed how my body felt fuller, warmer, livelier. Life bloomed inside me along with deep admiration for Liam. I locked eyes with him, hardly breaking contact as Regina blessed each of us with the lavender oils.

Shapes unfamiliar to me were drawn on my neck. The same was done to Liam, the slick fluid showing off a symbol in the shape of a circle and a dot.

She rested her hands on our entwined hands. “The mates have prepared their own vows.”

I nodded tearfully as I looked at my mate. “Liam, I never thought I would trust a man after what happened to me in the past. I never thought Memphis would like anyone.”

Kylie and Fred chuckled nearby. Liam smiled.

My smile brightened. “I never thought I would be able to stay in one place. But you showed me that I can find peace. You helped find my parents. You pulled our family together while helping me start over.”

I rested my hand over my stomach, drawing his tearful attention there.

He grinned weakly as he whispered, “You gave me a reason to trust again. You gave me purpose to create life instead of taking it away.”

Sniffles echoed around us. I knew there wasn’t a dry eye in the barn. My own had been perpetually shedding tears through the day.

He kissed my hands. “I thought my family would be complete if I just had a surrogate. But now I know it’s never going to be complete without you by my side.”

I hiccupped as I watched a tear escape his left eye. After sweeping it away, I kissed his hands in return.

Regina stepped forward and touched our hands again. “Liam, do you promise to take care of Anita for the rest of your earthly lives and beyond?”

“I do,” Liam promised.

“And Anita,” Regina continued, “do you promise to do the same?”

I giggled. “Hell yeah, I do.”

Everyone chuckled.

Regina reverently held our joined hands higher. “We witness your union today and wish for it to bring peace!”

Cheers exploded around us as Regina released our hands. I wrapped my arms around Liam and hugged him as I stood on my toes to kiss his lips. He welcomed my crushing kiss with a bruising embrace that made me ache inside.

It was official. We were mates. For the rest of our earthly lives and beyond.
