Page 38 of Pity Pact

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“I’m a Wisconsinite through and through,” I assure him. “Born, raised, never planning on leaving.”Maybe I won’t even cop to having lived in L.A.

“I wouldn’t mind moving,” he says. “I kind of like the idea of living in Hawaii, but I could never afford to do that on a schoolteacher’s salary.”

“Yet they must have teachers there …”

Shrugging one shoulder, he says, “They probably live in shacks on the beach. Although even that sounds appealing compared to another midwestern winter.”

California did have beautiful weather, but that’s not enough reason to live there. “I like winter sports,” I tell him.

“I wouldn’t mind learning how to surf,” he decides. “But first, I’d like to meet a nice woman who’s open to adventuring with me.”

Before I can agree that sounds like a good plan, a tall guy in a dark suit bumps into my shoulder. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was trying to start something. With a glare, he tells me, “Watch where you’re going.”

“Excuse me?” I’m not looking for a fight, but I’m also notgoing to let some puffed up peacock run roughshod over me. “I was just standing here, man.”

He looks like he wants to punch me, but ultimately sticks his hand out. “Fielden Marsh. I’m an attorney in Chicago.”

A tidal wave of something nasty slams into me.This is the guy Trina wants to set up with Paige?Not on my watch. I shake his hand firmly like I’m trying to crack a nut. “Tim Ferris. I own the country club.” And while it’s true I own part of the club, I neglect to mention that my father owns the lion’s share.

Fielden seems to relax immediately. “I’m sorry I ran into you. I thought you were on the show.”

“Why would that make a difference?”

He leans in as though he’s about to confess a crime. “I thought it might be a good idea to intimidate the competition. You know, let them know who the alpha dog is.”

What a pig.Neglecting to set him straight, I stretch my arm out toward Chip. “Chip here is on the show.”

Fielden looks down at Chip in a way that you’d think he was a hobbit fromLord of the Rings. “I don’t think we’re going to attract the same kind of women.”

This guy is really pissing me off. “Why is that?”

Fielden points between himself and Chip. “We’re in different leagues, man. He’s still in the minors and I’m in the pros.”

It’s time to share my feelings about professional ball players. “I’d rather play an honest game than be a professional man-whore.”

“Dude, what’s your problem?” he demands. “You’re not even on the show, so what do you care?”

“Did I forget to mention that in addition to owning the club, I’m also one of this season’s singles?”

His hands ball into fists like he’s ready to go hog wild on me. “Yeah, you did.”

Chip fearlessly steps between us. “I’m sure we like different kinds of women, Fielden. We shouldn’t be competition for each other.”

“You’re no competition for me at all.” Fielden straightens his jacket before telling me, “Youstay out of my way.” Then he stalks off.

As soon as he’s out of earshot, Chip mumbles, “What a jerk.”

“That’s the guy Trina wants to set up with Paige.”

Chip makes a face like he just ate a slug. “I don’t particularly like Paige, but no one deserves to be stuck with a Neanderthal. That guy is a total caveman.”

“Will you help me keep them apart?” I ask.

Chip nods his head. “I’ll do whatever I can, but let’s hope Paige never finds out we’re interfering in her love life. She hates me enough as it is.”

“I’m not going to tell her.” And while I don’t know Paige that well yet, I’m pretty sure our intervention won’t be necessary. She’s smart enough not to fall for a Ken doll like Fielden. I smile at the thought of her opening up a can of whoop-ass on the big city lawyer.

While I was busy discovering my aversion to Fielden Marsh, Trina joined the men. She once again claps her hands to get our attention, and then spends the next few minutes going over the schedule and the rules for tonight. She concludes, “We’ll introduce the women first and we should be starting on the men in about an hour.”
