Page 20 of Twisted

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Tera had been in enough pet stores throughout her life. She and her family had both cats and dogs growing up, her older sister had a parakeet and her younger sister had hamsters. She knew all too well the strange mélange of scents that spelled “pet store” to anyone who’d ever visited one. It was a mix of cat food, dog food, birdseed, cat litter, rabbit shavings, plastic, leather....

It had never aroused her before. Now it did; it turned her on intensely. The great wall of collars loomed at the far end of the shop, and her heart pounded as she thought about one of those going around her throat.

Though the location of the collars was obvious from where they both stood at the front of the store, Luis saw fit to engage the pretty clerk—packed into a tight yellow polo shirt and snug jeans—in their charade.

He asked as soon as they walked in: “Where would I find the collars?”

He looked Tera up and down before he added, “For a dog about one-oh-five.”

Tera’s thighs felt like rubber. She reddened. Luis made a soft, sharp clicking sound as he walked with his walking stick behind the helpful female clerk, making no attempt to camouflage the open interest he felt toward her butt as she led the way. Tera had to admit it was a very nice butt. She wondered if the clerk had ever worn a collar.

Luis thanked the clerk, who told them to summon her if they had any further questions. If she knew why the collar was being bought, she played it reasonably cool—but that was more than just a typical flirty smile Tera glimpsed on the clerk’s face as she flitted away back to the counter.

Luis reached up and withdrew the first collar from the wall. It was big and black leather and had shiny metal studs on it.

He set their lingerie bags aside, leaned his walking stick up against a shelf and held the collar up to Tera’s throat.

Tera recoiled. “You’re not going to put that thing on me, are you?” she hissed. “In public?”

Luis answered: “Of course I am.”

“But people are watching!” said Tera, her face now very red. She felt a fierce and powerful arousal as humiliation washed through her.

“How else,” Luis asked, “do you propose I ensure a proper fitting for my pet?”

Tera gulped and said, “But it’s not supposed to fit me!”

“Says who?” smiled Luis, his voice a soothing purr. “It’s for a pet. And as you’ll recall, it’s my decision who knows you’re my pet. Isn’t that what I told you when I made you lift your skirt for that trucker last weekend?”

Tera blushed very red; her nipples stood out painfully through the thin cotton dress. She’d forgotten all about that. Her clit throbbed. Her pussy felt wet; her thighs seemed slick, and it wasn’t just from sweat. The air-conditioning of the pet store chilled her flesh.

“Yes, Sir,” she said.

“And he liked it quite a bit, didn’t he?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said.

“But I think you liked it more.”

Tera nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Then come here,” said Luis firmly, “and let me fit my pet for its collar.”

Tera felt dizzy. It. She was “It.”

When Tera shied away again as he went to put the collar on her, he spoke very sharply to her.

“Tera, I won’t ask you again. If I have to tell you again, that skirt is coming up...and that clerk who’s been watching us so intently is going to see you get your ass reddened.”

The second he mentioned spanking her, Tera was helpless to resist. She already knew she could expect to be spanked when they got home—just for questioning Luis’s order. But she was positively destroyed by the thought of having it happen right here in the pet store. She knew she’d be revisiting that hopefully-never-to-happen moment in her fantasies the next time Luis gave her permission to masturbate.

Tera stepped forward; Luis buckled the collar around her throat.

If the clerk at the counter had not known before what—or whom—the collar was for, she certainly knew now. She was watching them like a hawk.

And from the look on her face, she certainly seemed to approve. The pretty young woman could not have been much older than twenty, but she clearly knew her way in the world.

Luis tugged at the heavy D-ring of the black leather collar. Its weight sent a ripple through Tera’s body.
