Page 21 of Twisted

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“This one will do for when you’re at home, fighting my you just did. But I think you need a prettier one for when you’re out in public. One that matches that rhinestone merry widow I just bought you...don’t you think?”

Tera’s eyes went wide. Her jaw dropped. Her mouth twisted in an expression of horror. “ public?” she whimpered.

Luis planted his mouth on hers and kissed her deeply.

As he kissed her, he tugged at the D-ring of the heavy leather collar. The pressure on the back of Tera’s neck sent a spasm of pleasure through her.

Luis took the black leather collar off her and set it aside.

He took down a far more slender collar—one of white leather, with rhinestones circling it. It had a delicate little buckle. There was no D-ring on it; it was clearly not made for a leash. And it was made for a female about Tera’s size. It must have been made for a very large dog who always followed its master’s commands.

Tera felt the snug embrace of the smaller collar as Luis buckled it around her throat. Tera saw his eyes widen. He seemed to catch his breath.

“What a shame,” he said, “that they don’t have mirrors in pet stores. You look quite stunning in it. Once I get you in that rhinestone number...”

Tera frowned. The white rhinestone-studded merry widow that Luis had just purchased for her had been bought over Tera’s objections. She felt it made her look tacky, slutty and cheap. “I look like a stripper,” she said. “I don’t want to look like a stripper!”

“But that’s not for you to decide,” Luis had told her.

“This one doesn’t have a D-ring for a leash,” he said breathlessly. “It’s only for when you’re very, very good. For when I know you’ll do exactly as I say. When no leash is necessary. Can you promise me you’ll try to earn this collar, Tera? Otherwise...”

With a smile, Luis reached up and seized a leather leash from the wall—a huge, long one with a big leather loop and a chain at the end; the clip that hooked to a beast’s collar was clearly made to resist the pull of a very strong dog.

He held up the black leather leash and the black leather collar together, and said firmly, “Try to earn the pretty little one, will you? Try and be a good pet for me?”

Tera nodded emphatically. Her voice rich with arousal, she whimpered, “Yes, Sir. I’ll try.”

He took the rhinestone collar off of her. They gathered the Bonne Femme bags, the leash and the two collars.

They took them up to the clerk, who rang them up.

Her eyes lingered lushly in a slow circuit from Luis to Tera, then to the collars.

She named their price.

Luis winked at her.

The young pretty clerk blushed. She was forced, by the pet store chain, to wear a uniform polo shirt that was not very flattering to her figure. She chose, however, to wear it two sizes too small. The strained fabric tented slightly more as her nipples stiffened.

Both Luis and Tera could see this happening as the clerk ran Luis’s credit card, and he signed.

Tera and Luis left the pet store.

Outside, right where the clerk could see them...right where anybody could see them, Luis stopped and opened the bag from the pet store.

“I think we know what kind of a collar you need for tonight, don’t we?”

Tera didn’t, but she answered, “Yes, of course, Sir.” She hoped he would tell her, not ask her...because she didn’t know if tonight Luis expected that she would be his obedient pet, pretty and perfect and cuddly—or a ravenous beast that needed to be collared and chained. Right now, she felt more like a beast. Her pussy ached to be filled. With Luis deliciously humiliating her in public like this, Tera didn’t entirely trust herself not to throw herself on him in the car...or worse, try to wrestle him onto one of the mall’s many benches and ride him like a pony before he could stop her. She was so turned on she feared she could not control herself.

She felt very much like an animal and wanted to be collared.

To her relief, however, Luis had more faith in Tera than she had in herself. He believed her to be a very safe pet.

He said: “You’ve been very good—even with all those people watching.”

“They’re still watching, Sir,” gulped Tera nervously, shifting her body and wriggling from side to side as her deep sense of humiliated arousal only grew with her anticipation.

Luis smiled.
