Page 58 of The Decision Maker

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One thing is clear, now that I have her, I’ll never let her go again.

She’ll always be ours.



One Year Later.

Not in a million years did I think this would be my life. Sitting at a beach with a boyfriend on each side of me, sipping margaritas alongside my new sister-in-law and my brother. Teagan and Mason got married at sunrise and though I didn’t appreciate getting up in the middle of the night to get ready, the view during the ceremony with the sun rising over the ocean was breathtaking.

“Want another drink?” Griffin asks as he gets up from his beach chair.

“No thanks, I still have some,” I say, pointing at my half-empty glass. What he doesn’t know is that I will not let anyone get a drink for me. Because then they would know that I have been drinking virgin margaritas all day. The truth is, I haven’t told anyone, but I’m 90% sure that I’m pregnant. It’s not that I don’t want to tell anyone, quite the opposite. I want to yell it from the rooftop, so everyone knows. But I wanted my brotherto have this day all to himself, so I decided to keep it a secret until I’m alone with my guys tonight. I can’t wait to tell them, though I am a tiny bit nervous as well.

I know Dallas always wanted kids, but I have no idea what Griffin is going to think. We never really talked about this, and we definitely didn’t plan for it, but sometimes birth control fails, and I think that’s what happened here. Last week I noticed I was two weeks late. Which means now I’m three weeks late. I also have some weird cravings, and my sense of smell seems to be heightened.On top of that, my boobs have been tender. Did I say I’m 90% sure? Make that 99%.

Using the back of my hand, I swipe away a few drops of sweat from my forehead. “I could go for a dip in the ocean. Anyone up for it?”

“Me,” Dallas and Griffin answer at the same time. They have been doing that a lot. I grin to myself as I think about all the wonderful days we have spent together over the last year. Once people found out about our relationship, they were confused. Some even thought it was a joke, and a few thought it would never work. Well, we’ve proved them wrong. I’ve never been so happy in my life. Griffin and Dallas are everything I’ve ever wanted and more. I couldn’t imagine my life without them and hopefully I never have to.

“Last one in the ocean loses,” I yell before jumping up from my chair to run toward the ocean at full speed.

“Hey, false start!” Griffin yells after me. “You are disqualified!”

I ignore him. Running into the waterBaywatchstyle. My feet pound against the hot sand, which turns into cool water splashing around me. My strides slow as I get deeper into the water. My heart pounds against my chest as I feel Griffin and Dallas closing in on me. I push my legs to move forward but amquickly taken out by a large arm snaking around my middle and lifting me into the air.

“Gotcha, cheater!” Griffin yells triumphantly, before lowering me into the water gently. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him close for a passionate kiss. Dallas comes up behind me, and his lips brush along my shoulder before settling in the crook of my neck.

“I love to be sandwiched between you two.”

“So romantic,” Griffin teases.

“Okay, maybe sandwiched is the wrong term, but it’s true. I love this. I love us…” A sudden burst of emotions comes over me, and before I know it, a single tear rolls down my face.What the hell?

“What’s wrong, babe?” Griffin’s concerned voice engulfs me as another random tear makes its way down my cheek. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m just so happy,” I sob. “Everything is so perfect… I’m just… oh hell, I can’t wait to tell you! I’m pregnant,” I blurt out loud enough for half of the beach to hear.

Both Griffin and Dallas freeze. For a few seconds, no one says anything. The waves softly crash into us as we stand there, suspended in time. Suddenly, Griffin moves me around so I face both of them.

“Come again,” Griffin says, his face utterly unreadable.

I glance between them, relieved when a wide smile graces Dallas’s face. I bite my lower lip, still worried about Griffin’s reaction when I repeat what I said, “I’m pregnant. I’m 99% sure. I haven’t taken a test, but I’m three weeks late, and my sense of smell is ugh, and my boobs are wow, and now this.” I point at my tear-stricken face to stop my rambling.

“I love you,” Dallas says, before giving me a kiss on my lips. “I love you and the baby growing inside of you. You make me so happy.”

Griffin is still in shock, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open like a fish out of water. He stays like this long enough for me to worry.

Dallas slaps him on the arm. “Snap out of it.”

Griffin’s mouth closes before he finally says, “I’m just shocked…” A grin pulls on his lips, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I’m shocked, but I’m fucking happy.”

Relief floods my veins, and another wave of emotion washes over me. “I’m happy too. More than you’ll ever know. Now sandwich me!”

Both guys break out laughing, but do exactly as I ask.

We stay like this for a long time, embracing like the lovers we are, knowing soon we will be parents too.

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