Page 27 of Christmas of Love

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She laughed and shrugged. “I have nothing else to do for the next two weeks. I have no problem feeding you.”

“Ah, that’s right. How are you handling that?” I really didn’t want to go back to my house because I honestly wasn’t sure I’d see her again before I left.

“I filled out some paperwork to help supplement the income loss, but it won’t do much.” She shifted her weight and tugged on her sweater. “But I have a small savings that will get me through.”

I nodded as ideas swirled in my head, and I tried to sound reasonable, not pushy.

“I know everyone loved working with you at my bar, and we could certainly use the help these next two weeks. It’s always crazy right before the holidays.”

She ran her fingers down her braid as she stared at the floor. I couldn’t gauge her reaction. Was she offended I offered, or did she feel like it was a handout? Because it certainly wasn’t.

“I don’t know if I could find a place short-term.” Her eyes met with mine, and without thinking, my mouth opened.

“I have a spare bedroom. It’s on the other side of my apartment, so you wouldn’t even have to see me.”

Daisy chuckled and shook her head, reaching for my cheek. She gave it a quick little pinch. “Why wouldn’t I want to see this grinning mug every day?”

Every single thing about this woman drove me insane in the best possible way. I’d never felt like this around someone before, and here I just invited her to stay in my apartment for two weeks.

“Just sayin’,” I joked. “I can be a little annoying.”

Her eyes widened with a glint of fascination. “Me too. This is great. Maybe we can annoy the heck out of each other and get the Sunshine Breakfast Club off our backs.”

I’d completely forgotten about them.

Oh, no. They would totally have a field day with this news.

“Maybe we don’t mention that you’re staying at my place.”

She winked and pointed her index finger at me. “I see where you’re going with this. Totally agree, or they’ll have us married off by Christmas.”

Daisy slowly turned and looked around her house. “Are you sure about this?”


“And I do have to be back when the doors here open back up.”

I nodded, loving how conscientious Daisy was. “Fully understand.”

“You’re not allergic to cats, right?”

“Not even a little.” She pursed her lips into a thin line. “But I think it’s best if I take my own car down there.”

“Absolutely. I didn’t want to ride in a car with you for a few hours, anyway.”

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “You’re missing out. I’m super good at packing road trip snacks.”

“I’ll have to remember that for when you invite me camping someday.”

Daisy smiled and took a deep breath. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?”

I nodded. “Purrlock is probably wondering where her dinner is, so I should get going.”

She smiled. “Ah, right. She won’t be, you know, jealous of me… Will she?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “We’ll find out.”

Daisy wandered over to the kitchen and popped the last fried ravioli in her mouth. “You said you’d be leaving tomorrow or the following day?”
