Page 4 of Christmas of Love

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He still had the same effect on me.

It was the weirdest thing. Being a bartender, I was used to being hit on. I’d become immune to good-looking men trying to pick me up. But with Hunter Knox, all I could think about was what it would be like to be kissed by him.

There was no in-between with him. No wooing, no courting, dating, chilling, just a kiss. That was all I thought about.

A kiss.

Which meant he had to be trouble because in my book, personality was what trumped everything else. But with Hunter, I didn’t have the foggiest clue about his personality other than that he had an ego the size of Texas with an aloofness that barked at me.

Not good.

“Would you mind taking Daisy to her shift over at the resort? This time, try not to leave such a bad taste in her mouth.” Millie grinned like the Cheshire Cat. “You know, try to let some of our Christmas cheer rub off on you. She promised she’d make her famous fudge for whoever drove her.”

He laughed. “For the record, I do remember you, Daisy. And Merry Christmas.”

I clenched my eyes shut and willed myself to wipe away the embarrassment.

“Merry Christmas, Hunter,” I said through gritted teeth.

Did he actually remember me, or was he trying to save face in front of Millie and everyone else?

Millie chuckled as my eyes blinked open, and I stood from the chair and slowly turned around.

Hunter Knox looked even better than I had remembered.

Double dang it.

His blue eyes darn near twinkled as he watched me zip my coat, tug on my hat, and flop my scarf over my shoulder.

“I really don’t want to be an imposition,” I said, shaking my head. “I can figure something else out.”

“You’d never be an imposition, Daisy. You never have been, and you never will be.” His eyes stayed on mine, and a flare of electricity shot through me. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel that way. The bar can be crazy at times. That was never my intention.”

Millie patted my shoulder. “Good. Good. See? There’s the start. You two be careful on the ride over there.”

I glanced at Maya, who waved us over to the door as she laughed. She turned around in the lobby and grinned, whispering, “I don’t think that could have gotten any more awkward.”

I chuckled, glancing at Hunter behind us. “Let’s not jinx it. I’m sure I can come up with a way.”

We walked through the lobby, and Hunter hurried in front of us to open the door. The chill of the evening air pricked my exposed skin as Maya pointed at her car.

But Hunter stood outside with nothing more than low-slung jeans, a grey flannel, and a light jacket. It was as if he were impervious to the cold, just a big boulder of a man unaware of the elements.

“The blizzard is on its way.” I shivered as I glanced at Foxy betraying me in the parking lot.

“It sure is,” Maya agreed. “Come on, Hunter. Let me give you the beer so you can message your brother tonight about how fabulous it is. And I can get back inside without turning blue.”

Hunter laughed, and I noticed his easy smile. He seemed a lot more relaxed than when I’d last seen him.

Not that it mattered.

He nodded. “Will do.”

Maya opened her trunk and gave Hunter a box that clanked as he adjusted it.

I stared at my car, silently willing it to come alive for me.

“Thanks, Maya. Tell my brother I’ll text him with my unbiased opinion.” He turned to me and smiled. “And we'd better get you to work.”
