Page 47 of Christmas of Love

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I smacked his behind with the dishcloth. “I’m sure you will.”

“Did you want any coffee or juice?” Hunter asked.

“I’ll take coffee.” His mom glanced over her shoulder at us.

“Me too.” His dad wrapped his arm around his wife.

I looked at Hunter and wandered into the living room. “It was really nice seeing you both again, but I’m going to go upstairs and get my reading done.”

His mom looked disappointed. “Are you sure you can’t come?”

The one thing I didn’t want to do was intrude. His parents made the trip all the way down here, and I didn’t need to interfere. Plus, the less time they spent with me, the less they could report back to Millie.

I knew how her mind worked, and the less information, the better.

His mom stood and gave me a hug. “You are truly incredible to put up with my son.” She turned to him. “No offense.”

“No, of course not. Why would there be?” he joked.

I stifled a laugh and hugged her back before making my way up the stairs. As soon as my foot hit the first step, Purrlock jumped off the couch and followed me up the stairs.

By the time I got to my room, I collapsed on the bed and daydreamed about our kiss.

It was absolutely divine. I didn’t know if it was merely the magic of the season or my crazy fantasized expectations or that he actually had lips from heaven to melt me in place.

But whatever the reason, I wanted another.

I stayed on the bed, stretching my arms toward the pillows as the cat hopped up next to me and curled on my pillow.

Today felt surreal. I never expected to open up more to Hunter, and I certainly didn’t expect a kiss.

As I forced myself to get out of bed, I walked over to my bag, rifling through it until I found the infamous book.

I thought about going into the bonus loft, but I knew I’d wind up eavesdropping more than reading, so I shut the door softly and curled on top of the bed.

The book started off fun and brisk. I immediately loved the premise, but I couldn’t help but wonder why Millie had jumped on this book. Obviously, if Hunter and I were the next victims, choosing a book about a bar at Christmas seemed fitting. But beyond that, there were very few similarities.

I’d already managed to get to chapter four when Hunter knocked gently and popped his head into the room.

“We’re headed out. Are you sure you don’t want to join us? Please?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “Not a chance. You go have fun.”

He tapped the wall and turned around. “If that’s what we want to call it.”

Hunter stopped and turned around slowly.

My eyes met his, and my belly dipped with anticipation.

“That kiss earlier…” His voice trailed off as warmth spread through me. “Was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

I smiled and nodded. “In a completely platonic way.”

He laughed. “Absolutely.”

Hunter walked down the hall, and I fell back onto the pillows, clutching my book and feeling like I was back in junior high, experiencing my first crush all over again.

There was something so refreshing about Hunter, and I felt like I could open up my soul to him and he wouldn’t crush it.
