Page 55 of Christmas of Love

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But maybe that was because we weren’t in a relationship. We were platonic, with an accidental kiss thrown into the mix.

Our dating history kept turning into a mingle of maybes and almosts. There was absolutely nothing definite about any of this.

I drew a breath and watched the mayor make her way onto the stage as the kids started singingO Holy Night. I looked at Hunter’s mom, who was leaning her head against his dad, swaying to the music. Cash brought Maya into his arms, and Beckett looped his arm around Nina’s waist.

Hunter’s eyes connected with mine, and he pulled me in closer, placing a whisper of a kiss on top of my head.

The only thing that would make tonight more magical was if snow started falling. I reached up and looped my fingers through Hunter’s as he kept his arm draped over my shoulders. I scanned the crowd, taking in all the families, some singing along with the carols while others patiently waited for the tree lighting ceremony.

As the choir wound down, the mayor stepped up to the microphone. “Tonight, we are here to celebrate a wonderful time of the year where neighbors can slow down a little to say hi or offer a cup of cheer, and bosses can remember that their businesses wouldn’t survive without their employees and that kindness goes a long way. And on that note, I’d like to welcome Hunter Knox up here to say a few words. He was kind enough to sponsor this year’s tree lighting and to donate one hundred thousand dollars to the Children's Hospital here in Madison.”

The crowd cheered as Hunter swept a kiss along my cheek and made his way up to the stage. His mom squeezed her husband’s hand and whispered, “He did?”

His dad chuckled and proudly smiled at his son.

“Thank you all for being here. I’ll keep this brief since the temperature is dropping by the second. The holidays are a time to reflect, embrace, and dream about the new year. While the twinkling lights are beautiful, the true essence of this holiday comes from sharing our love with others, providing joy for those who can’t quite find it, and weaving a world that is united, even if only in our tiny communities. Let us cherish these moments with family and friends this holiday season and know that these memories will stay with us long after the season has passed. Let’s extend our hands and hearts to those who quietly struggle and bring compassion to those in need this holiday season and beyond. Thanks, everyone, for coming out. Now, let’s light this tree.”

Hunter’s gaze locked on mine, and he waved me up onto the stage as the mayor began a countdown from ten. Maya and Nina pushed me through the crowd as the numbers dwindled. Hunter hopped down a couple of steps and helped me on stage as the crowd shouted down from two and then one.

The Christmas tree’s red and white sparkling lights flickered majestically as the children’s choir belted outDeck the Halls.

Hunter smiled, taking me in as he slid his arm around my waist, and we admired the Christmas tree.

The mayor came over, thanking Hunter for his generosity, and I felt true pride in knowing this man. Hunter’s parents walked over with his siblings as we turned and left the stage. Evie threw herself at her brother and chuckled. “I knew you were a good guy.”

His dad’s lip curled. “Always doing the right thing. That’s my boy.”

Hunter chuckled. “I like to surprise you when you least expect it.”

Cash nodded. “This was definitely worth the drive. I’m really proud of you.”

A hot chocolate stand opened up across the lawn, where several lines snaked around the stage. A hot dog cart had a line nearly as long.

“You guys hungry?” Hunter asked. “I know a place that has pretty good food and cheap drinks.”

“But is your beer as good as my gingerbread beer?” Cash asked.

Hunter eyed me as I kept in a snicker. “Just different is all.”

“Maya says I still have to perfect it, but I think I’m getting pretty close.”

Hunter linked his fingers with mine as we waited at the crosswalk. His bar was only down a block from the park. As we walked toward the building, I glanced around his family.

I didn’t know where I fit in. They certainly made me feel easy about things and accepted, but I didn’t know my place. At times, it felt like what Hunter and I shared was more intimate than just friends, but then this wall would come up.

But I didn’t know if the wall was from him or me or both of us.

When we made it to the bar, Hunter opened the door, and we all rushed in, shivering to get the blood flowing again.

Perry spotted us and gave a quick wave. “How did the lighting go?”

“Amazing,” his mom gushed. “I’m so proud of my son.”

Perry nodded. “Did the mayor announce your donation?”

Hunter nodded. “She did. I’d asked her not to.”

Perry laughed. “And I asked her to make sure she did.” Perry glanced at us. “My son became very sick last year, and while we had good medical, the bills still took a toll. Hunter was right there by our family’s side. I’d say he spent almost as much time with my little guy as we did.”
