Page 74 of Christmas of Love

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“The book,” Millie repeated, holding out her hand.

All the women stared at me, and I realized they weren’t going to leave unless I handed it over, and I was exhausted.

They couldn’t stay.

I chuckled and shook my head. “Okay, okay. It’s in my bedroom. I’ll go get it.”

As I trundled to my bedroom, I wondered what had gotten into these ladies. It was just a book.

I scanned my nightstand and didn’t see it, but when I turned around, I saw it propped on the pine dresser next to my naughty Christmas gnome.

I took the bookmark out of this Christmas love story, knowing I’d just buy myself a copy, and wandered back into my living room to see everyone had made themselves comfortable.

“How are you doing, Daisy?” Maya asked.

I looked at each woman staring at me before turning my attention to Millie. “What’s going on?”

“We don’t know,” Millie said with a shrug.

“Okay. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, and I’m really not sure what I’m talking about. Did you want some coffee or wine?”

Abby nodded. “I wouldn’t mind some wine.”

Nina elbowed her, and she shrugged. “What? I’m thirsty.”

I chuckled. “Red or white?”

“White.” She grinned as Millie followed me into the kitchen. Since it was an open floor plan, I wasn’t sure why she felt the need to be suddenly close.

Reaching for a glass, I felt Millie inch up on me. “Is everything okay, Millie? Do you need some wine?”

I set the glass on the counter, grabbed an unopened bottle from the fridge, and poured some for Nina.

“No, I’m fine. It makes me get up and pee all night.”

I laughed, walking over to Nina with the glass. “I’ve never heard of that.”

“You just wait.” Millie waggled her finger. “Once you hit eighty, everything makes you pee.”

“I’ll have to remember that tip.”

I looked at the top members of the infamous book club and raised my brows. “So, how are things?” I bounced my gaze from Millie to Maya, to Grace, to Nina, and to Abby.

Millie sat on the couch next to Nina. “I want to apologize.”

“That came out of nowhere,” I said, shaking my head.

“I think over the years, I’ve gotten cocky, Daisy. I see matches. I pick books. I manipulate circumstances. I have helpers all over Wisconsin…” She bit her lip and stared at my Christmas tree. “We’ve had a near-perfect record.”

I nodded. “It’s been fun. I don’t think I could have had a better welcome to Buttercup Lake than working on Grace’s hookup.”

Grace smiled. “And for that, I’m forever grateful.”

Millie scowled. “But it was bound to happen.”

“What was?”

“Hunter’s not the one for you.”

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