Page 114 of Wilds of the Heart

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You spread beauty for everyone to see,

But I beg you to be with me

In a field where you can roam

And feel so free

Lucas’ gaze caught mine with tears in my eyes. He kissed me again, and I knew he was my home.


Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for reading the second book in the Curiosity Bay Series! I hope you absolutely loved the story of Emily and Lucas! It’s so much fun to go back to Marigold Island and visit the Evans sisters and getting to write a friendship-to-more book was a blast.

I’m so grateful that you’ve been so supportive of this new series and have shared the love of Curiosity Bay with friends and family. And as always, thank you for the positive ratings and reviews. Always appreciated!

Tempting the Heartis up next and follows Mae and her first love… Keep reading for a sneak peek and to view on Amazon! I’ve also included an excerpt fromDash of Love! Enjoy!

Warmest wishes,


Tempting the Heart

Tempting the Heart

Everything in Mae Evans’ life was going extremely well, almost too well. So, when she flipped on the lights in her coffee shop one morning and put out the day’s pastries, she didn’t expect to see her brother’s best friend standing outside, waiting for the door to open.

Her mind went blank, her cheeks flushed, and her body turned to a wet noodle at the sight of him. He was everything she wasn’t. His presence commanded attention, his wry-one liners made everyone laugh, and his eyes could drop a person to their knees.

It didn’t help that she’d had a crush on him since she was twelve or that he happened to be her brother’s best friend.

All Tyler Grant wanted was to grab some coffee and maybe a bite to eat before heading to his family’s house. It had been over a decade since he’d been back to the island, and he didn’t have plans on staying long.

But when he looked up to see Mae Evans standing at the door, he nearly lost his mind. The sight of her, all grown up yet still achingly familiar, sent a jolt through him, thawing his hardened heart. She was the one line he had never crossed, the one wish he never allowed himself to make.

When his gaze found hers, he could barely talk, and all the reasons why he’d vowed to stay away started to crumble, but he knew the one thing he needed was the one thing he couldn’t have.

View on Amazon

Dash of Love Excerpt

Chapter One


The sun filtered through the lanky pine trees on the narrow country road where the posted speed limit was far too fast for any sane person’s comfort level. With groves of pines and farms sprawled as far as the eye could see, I knew Buttercup Lake was where my daughter and I were meant to be for the summer.

This getaway would be the perfect way to spend time together. We could both remember what was important and try to figure out how to manage the future without the one stable force we’d been used to for as long as I could remember.

My husband.

Soul mate.


I forced the lump down in my throat and gripped the steering wheel as I glanced at my daughter. This summer was about healing, dang it.

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