Page 56 of On the Brink

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Charley’s entire body screamedrun, and she obeyed. She raced for the back door, but Nate caught her and wrenched her arm behind her back.

Panic whipped through her veins, and her breaths grew ragged. She struggled despite the pain shooting through her shoulder, but his arm was like steel.

“Not so fast, beautiful. I’m not finished with you yet.” Nate looked over his shoulder at the other man. “Make sure the back door is locked. Kill all the lights and lower the blinds. Her car must be in the garage, which is perfect. We want it to look like she’s gone so no one else stops by.”

How could she have been so wrong about this man? He’d seemed polite and charming, not the threatening menace he’d turned into.

The man moved through the kitchen, secured the back door, and then headed down the hallway to the bedrooms.

Charley scoured her memory for things she could use as a weapon. Knives in the kitchen. Fireplace poker. She’d never wanted a gun before, but she wished for one now.

Nate’s other arm wrapped around Charley’s body and tightened like a vise. He palmed her breast and gave it a sharp squeeze. Her entire body coiled up on the inside, like it was fleeing from his touch.

“Got a score to settle with Dog. He’s keeping my Krystal under lock and key. I don’t like that, so I’m going to keep you here for a while. After all, nothing like an eye for an eye, right?”

Oh, god. This was about Dog? And the woman at the club. She’dintroduced herself as Krystal. Dog had said stay away from Nate, that he was dangerous. Charley had never dreamed he meant this.

Dog’s words washed over Charley. Stuck-up bitch…Just a good fuck…I don’t want to see you again. He wouldn’t be riding to the rescue tonight. She had to get herself out of this mess. Somehow.

She started with the truth. “Dog won’t care. He broke up with me tonight. He said he doesn’t want me.”

Nate’s hand traveled down her belly and settled between her legs with a squeeze. Revulsion roiled in Charley’s gut.

“Been watching you. You don’t visit any friends in Edwards. You seem to be a loner, except for Dog.”

Nate was right. She’d never stayed in Edwards long enough to have any friends, just casual relationships with the people in the businesses she frequented.

The arm holding hers behind her back tightened, and the pain in her shoulder elicited a moan.

“Mmmm. I like that sound, sweetheart. I’ll enjoy hearing more of your moans, once I put Dog out of commission.”

Charley gasped. “What do you mean,out of commission?”

Nate rubbed his fingers over her jeans, pressing hard. “I’ve got a signature move, one I’ve been saving just for Dog. See, he’s had my woman hiding at their clubhouse for six months now. That’s unacceptable, she’s mine after all. But it’s given me time to watch him fight, time to practice, time to move up the ranks by whatever means necessary, so I could schedule a bout with him.”

His fingers curved around Charley’s mound and dug into the soft space at her core. His fingers pushed hard against the denim, and the friction tore at Charley’s tender tissues. She bit her lip against the pain.

“The move took time to perfect. Practiced on the dim wits who follow me around. Lost one of them when I finally got it right. It took some thought to get out of that one. I’m sure you heard about the landslide at the mine. Tragedy for the family.”

Nate’s voice took on a tone that almost seemed reverent. “All I have to do is get close to Dog and deliver the death shot, one quick, powerful punch to the neck. It stuns the brain, causing damage. With enough power, it’ll kill him.”

Tears sprung into Charley’s eyes. Dog had hurt her, eviscerated her really, but she would never want him incapacitated or killed. She had to escape and warn him.

Nate placed a kiss on her neck, and she shuddered. “Oh, how you tremble with desire from a mere kiss. I can’t wait to get back to you after the fight. What I have planned for you? It will be memorable, for sure.” And with that, he loosened his hold and shoved her onto the couch. Charley rubbed her shoulder, relieved he no longer had his hands on her. Her eyes strayed to the fireplace poker.

Nate stepped back and pulled out his phone. “9:40. Almost time for the fight. My boys said Dog’s already there. Now that he’s been seen, if he leaves, he forfeits.

“But one last thing to do before I go.” He trapped Charley’s gaze with a steely one of his own. “I’m not quite buying this break up. Dog seemed too into you for that. Wouldn’t put it past you to lie in hopes of me letting you go.”

His thumbs tapped the phone. When he finished, he bellowed for his friend. “Reggie, motherfucker, what’s taking you so long? I gotta roll.”

Reggie re-entered the living room, a scowl on his face.

“Keep her occupied while I’m gone,” Nate ordered the man. “And turn off the lamp in here.”

Charley stifled a sigh of relief. Only one of them to deal with now. But Reggie cracked a smile so evil it made Charley’s heart stutter. “Can I fuck her?”

Relief fled, and Charley choked on a sob. Nate’s face creased into a dark grimace. “Hell, no! You think I want your spunk on my dick? You’ll get her when I’ve had enough and not before. If you doanythingto her besides make sure she doesn’t leave, Dog won’t be the only one in the morgue tonight.”

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