Page 71 of On the Brink

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He stood behind Cutter. “Who is she, brother?”

Cutter didn’t speak, just followed her with his eyes until she entered a dress shop.

“It’s her,” Cutter said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Why the fuck would she come back now?”

Now Dog remembered where he’d seen her. A picture Cutter had shown him when he’d explained how he got his scar.

Allie. His first and, as far as Dog knew, only love.

“Go, brother.”

Cutter darted down the street without a backward glance.

“Do you know what that’s about?” Charley asked.

Dog turned to her and gave her the smile she’d admitted made her wet. “I do, and I’ll tell you—for a price.”

Her lips tipped up. “You’re incorrigible. Lucky for you, I love you like I do.”

He never got tired of hearing her say that. Those words had sealed the hole in his heart his dad had ripped open when he’d killed his mom. She made every day worth getting up for, and every night worth working for. Like she’d said the first time they had made love, it was everything, she was his everything. The ups, the downs, the uncertainty, all of it perfect to get to this point. This moment. This feeling. This woman.

“Baby, all that’s happened, the good and the bad, you’ve made it better. All the sucky things that led me to that night, in the parking lot of the Round, make sense now. And it’s like that first ride up the mountain, when I kissed you and knew the truth…all of it, every damn moment, was totally worth the ride.”
