Page 34 of Cursed Shadows

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“I won’t hurt a single creature in the Gauntlet. I swear it,” Raven states, her voice solid like steel as she grits her teeth.

“Let’s see what they have in store for us before we start getting too worked up, Dove,” Zane says, attempting to calm the worry and anger already radiating from Raven, and she nods reluctantly as we head outside and take the path to the arena.

Concern is thick in the air as the other students mumble among themselves. The second we step into the arena, all noise ceases, though the memories of the last time we were here register in my brain.

“The last time we were here, you met Ari.”

Raven looks at me with a softness in her eyes which only appears at the mention of her familiar.

“The time before that, however, was shit,” Brax grunts, recalling when we had to face the Gauntlet and Raven’s magic hadn’t come to fruition yet.

“At least I don’t have to keep my magic a secret. Those fuckers know what I can do. If I’m bringing someone back, it will be for the right reasons, I hope,” Raven says with another heavy sigh.

As the domed area at the center of the arena comes into view, I notice there’s nothing filling the space. It’s just Erikel standing front and center with my father a few steps behind him.


If what Leila said was right, and my father is here, why would he bother to ask when he’s going to get a front-row seat anyway?

“Please, everyone, take your seats. Where, I don’t care. When your name is called out, I expect you to come forward,” Erikel announces, flinging his hands out wide as his usual fur cloak drapes over his shoulders and down his back.

I can’t see any other year groups in here, so he’s either fixated on the first years or he will put us through our paces one year at a time. Either way, we’re about to be on display for him in some way. I fucking hate this. More than seeing my father. When you give men like this a glimpse of your magic, they then believe it’s theirs to wield, and we’re not his weapons.

Brax leads us down to the fourth row of seats, pointing at Zane to take the end seat. Raven drops into the spot beside him, and I take the space to her left while Brax forces his way into the row in front, and Eldon climbs back a row, just like we did last time; she’s covered.

Leila tentatively takes the spot beside me, nibbling on her lip nervously, and I sigh. Lifting Raven’s hand to my lips, I press a kiss to her knuckles before letting go and standing. I signal for Leila to move up, and she smiles appreciatively at me as I trade places with her.

Getting comfortable, I’m acutely aware of where everyone and everything is. Roma and one of the other guys remain at the top of the stairs at the entry point. My father and Erikel remain in the center of the room while four more of Erikel’s men hover on another set of stairs.

“Fuck, let’s just get this over with, shall we?” Brax grumbles, rubbing his palms over his thighs.

As if hearing his words, Erikel lifts his hands in the air again, garnering everyone’s attention. “We will begin with Miss Leila Fitch.”

A noticeable gasp sounds from beside me, followed by a lodged gulp as I turn to see the worry in Leila’s eyes. She rushes to her feet quickly, tucking a loose tendril of hair behind her ear as she moves to the end of the row and descends the stairs toward the center.

“Miss Fitch, your magic,” Erikel says as she comes to a stop a few meters away from him.

“What do you want me to aim at?” she asks, her voice barely audible from here, but the tremor is clear enough.

“At my golden warrior,” he declares, taking a step back as he waves at my father.

He’s the target? Why?

“What the hell is going on? Did your father mention any of this?” Eldon asks, leaning closer to murmur, and I shake my head.

“Nothing. He just warned me off Raven again and asked what my abilities are, but since I didn’t share, he didn’t explain why,” I answer, my hands clenched in my lap.

Would he have spoken openly with me if I had asked? Do I need to swallow my pride and heartache and get close to him to gain answers for all of the things we don’t actually know?


Turning my attention back to Leila, she takes a few extra steps back before lifting her hands in my father’s direction, aiming her icy magic his way. Ice blasts at him, but the second it touches his armor it crumbles to the floor.

“That’s enough, Miss Fitch. Take a seat in the green section,” Erikel orders, making everyone frown as they glance around the room.

“Green section?” she asks, staring at the otherwise gray space.

Erikel rolls his eyes with irritation before snapping his fingers. One by one, colors drape across the back wall and down each section of seating.

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