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“You drive like a maniac.”I clutch onto the “oh shit” handle as Liv takes a tight turn onto the busy street crawling with families and couples walking through the popular area, enjoying the evening. “This car is a death trap.” I feel like a sardine in a tin can, just waiting to be crushed by any of the other more formidable vehicles on the roar.

“Don’t you dare talk about Carmelo that way.” Liv pats the dashboard of her Volkswagen lovingly. “He’s a great car.”

I snort at the ridiculous name. Not because the name, itself, is ridiculous. Though, it is. Because the vehicle is not named after the famous NBA athlete but a caramel apple. Because that’s what Olivia said her car reminds her of…

“I can’t believe your dad lets you drive this car.” Uncle Derek is nothing if not protective of his only child. Olivia is the apple of his eye. Growing up, she could do no wrong, and he always took her safety seriously. The number of times I was lectured for “letting” Olivia run around with me and Kyle, climbing trees and roughhousing, are too many to remember. Olivia didn’t “let” anyone tell her what to do or not do, that’s for sure.

She proves as much when she says, “Dad doesn’t get a say in what car I drive.”

I chuckle to myself. My amusement swiftly fades when I look through the windshield and see a familiar red and white sign shining up ahead.

“Dairy Frost.” Excitement makes my voice raise in pitch, earning me a sweet laugh from Olivia. I’ve always liked the sound of her laugh.

“I figured you could use a hot fudge sundae to help you sober up.”

All at once, a myriad of emotions hit me. Olivia, Kyle, and I used to go to the popular soft-serve ice cream shop every Friday night during high school. We’d get the largest sundae they make and share it while we hung out for hours. Some of my best memories took place here. Before prom night changed everything…

We’re both quiet as Liv pulls into the parking lot. I follow her into the shop, surprised to see it’s not busy despite the fact it’s a warm night.

We walk up to the counter right as an employee in a red button-up with the Dairy Frost logo steps out of the freezer in the back. A wide smile pulls at the woman’s lips when she sees us. “Well, if it isn’t little Olivia Christensen and Derek Lawson. But I suppose you two aren’t so little anymore, are you?” Miss Valerie’s greeting makes me grin. It’s the same one she’s used since we were preteens. I’m surprised she remembered after all these years.

“Hi, Miss Valerie,” Liv replies.

“Good to see you, Miss Valerie,” I greet. I would say I can’t believe she’s still working here after all these years, but she and her husband have always enjoyed running the counter at their ice cream shop. Especially during the busy season.

The sixty-year-old walks up to the register slower than the last time I saw her. “Let me guess, one extra-long, supreme sundae to share?”

“You got it,” Liv answers.

Miss Valerie nods and types on the screen. “Wonderful. That’ll be nine fifty.”

Olivia swipes her card before I have the chance to reach for my wallet.

We say goodbye to Miss Valerie and then move to sit in one of the booths lining the front of the shop. From here, we have a great view of all the people walking up and down the street. I’m staring at a group of kids with skateboards when Oliva clears her throat.

“Was it a bad idea to come here?”

I look at her. Even under the horrible fluorescent light, I’m taken aback by just how beautiful she is. I’ve always thought she was cute, even before I realized I had feelings for her, but it’s hard to believe how stunning she is even after all this time.

“No. Why would it be?”

“Because you’re quiet.”

“Oh. That.” I shake my head. “Sorry. That happens from time to time.”

“What happens?”

I shrug. “My thoughts overtake my head and I forget that I’m not alone. It can come off a bit anti-social.”

“I don’t think you’re anti-social.”

“Well, you know me better than most people.”

“Once, maybe,” she allows.

“It’s still true.” There hasn’t been a single person who’s come into my life who knows the ins and outs of my personality like my childhood best friend.
