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Indecision wars with hope in her gaze.

I make one last attempt to convince her to give me a chance, “Let me be clear, I want to take you out. I want to spend as much time together as possible. I want to hold you. I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you, and I want you to be my girlfriend.”For far longer than just a couple of weeks.

I’m realistic. I know any romance we begin could have an expiration date, but I also know it may not. My gut says it won’t, but Olivia’s doubt makes me question if I’m wrong. Regardless, it doesn’t change things for me. I want whatever we can have, for however long we can have it.

But Olivia’s continued silence makes me fear she won’t give us a chance to create anything.

Then, her features soften. She leans forward and presses her lips against mine tenderly before saying, “Okay, Derek. Let’s date.”



My heels clackagainst the lab’s floor as I rush to my office. I’m an hour late. Normally, I’d be mortified, but nothing can erase the smile from my face. It’s been there since I agreed to be Derek’s girlfriend this morning.

After consummating our relationship with another round of breathtaking, toe-curling sex, I forced myself to roll out of bed and go to my apartment to shower and get ready for work. And I haven’t stopped replaying the night’s events in my head. I’m still thinking about our time together as I sit behind my computer and log in to check my emails. I’m cleaning out my inbox of useless correspondence when a knock sounds on my open office door.

I look up and lean back against my chair in surprise. “Hank,” I greet my boss. “What are you doing here?”

“I work here.”

“Of course.” I shake my head and stand. “Sorry. I’m just surprised to see you. You usually work from home in the mornings.” And most of the day…

I can’t remember the last time Hank came in for work. It’s been a month, at least.

He looks at his wristwatch meaningfully. “Is that why you didn’t bother to get here on time?”

My brow furrows at his tone. “Sorry. Something came up and I ended up running late this morning.”

“Something or someone?”

I blink. “What do you mean?” There’s no way Hank is questioning my professionalism. I’ve been nothing but the epitome of a reliable employee all the years I’ve been working here. He has no reason to be so upset. And yet, he is.

“I heard you went on a date with Austin Vaughn.”


“Who told you that?”

“Someone from Austin’s firm.” He crosses his arms over his potbelly. “So, is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“Are you dating Austin Vaughn?”

“No, I’m not.”Not that it’s any of your business…

“So, you didn’t go to dinner with him?” He quirks a brow.

“I did, but that’s not dating.”

Hank doesn’t miss a beat, “You are aware the lab has a no-fraternizing policy, correct?”

I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.

My temper is rising, but I force my voice to remain even when I point out, “Austin doesn’t work here.”

“He practically does.”
