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The redhead holds out her hand. “I’m Brigette. I used to be Avery Lawson’s assistant before she promoted me.”

“Oh, that’s right.” I shake her hand. “Avery’s mentioned how well you manage her firm’s clients here in LA.”

“I’m happy to hear she’s pleased.” Brigette’s smile grows. “Avery is a fantastic boss. I’m lucky to work for her. And her brother’s not so bad to work with either.” I try to figure out if there’s innuendo in her last sentence, but I don’t think so. Brigette seems genuine.

I relax. “Well, the Lawsons are good people.”

“You would know, I suppose, having grown up with them.” Brigette’s eyes sparkle with knowing. “And how close you and Derek were.”

I’m wondering who told her about that when a throat clears next to us.

Brigette and I look at the receptionist. She stands, wearing a much more cordial expression, and says, “Ladies, if you would follow me, I’ll take you to a room to wait until Mr. Lawson is free to speak with you.”

“Wonderful.” Brigette shoots me a subtle wink. “Lead the way.”

We walk beyond the desk and into a room with several cubicles arranged in neat rows and columns. Rooms with closed doors line the edge of the space. A glass wall is up ahead. Through it, I see an empty conference room with a massive table surrounded by chairs. I assume that’s where we’re heading.

“So what brings you to California?” Brigette asks.

I answer honestly, “I’m here to see Derek.”

“I’m guessing it’s a surprise.”

I almost trip on the perfectly smooth floor. “How did you know?”

Her smile is kind. “You seem nervous.”

“Do I?” I half-chuckle. “I’ll need to work on that. I guess I just don’t know how he’ll react.”

“Don’t worry. If what Avery tells me is true, Derek is going to be thrilled to see you.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask what Avery’s told her when I hear a familiar voice coming through the open door up on our left. My stomach clenches as my heart flutters in my chest. In the blink of an eye, I’m a nervous teenager too afraid to tell her best friend that she’s been in love with him for as long as she can remember.

I shove those insecurities aside. They have no place here today. This isn’t like prom. I’m going to tell Derek about the pregnancy and be open about what I hope it’ll mean for us. I’ll lay my cards on the table so there’s no second-guessing or miscommunication. We’re adults now, and this is an adult situation that requires adult behavior.

Encouraged by my inner pep-talk, I let my feet carry me towards the sound of his voice, veering off the path towards the conference room. I don’t hear the feminine voice until I’m standing in the doorway.

My entire body goes rigid as I take in the sight before me.

Derek leans back in a leather-backed office chair, staring up at a slender blonde seated on the edge of his desk with a teasing smirk. The blonde cocks her head to the side, flipping her wavy strands over her shoulder in a move that can only be described as flirtatious. Her legs are practically spread open in invitation, but some modesty is retained by the fact that she’s wearing pants.

Within two seconds, I back out of the doorway, but that’s plenty of time for all my plans to be derailed. They lie in a burning heap of disappointment, the flames fueled by heartbreak and a feeling of inadequacy.

I’m an idiot.

There was a reason Derek never called after St. Kitts—a reason why he didn’t bother to try and speak to me the morning after when he saw me standing across the resort lobby—and I have a feeling I just saw her.

“Olivia?” Brigette calls out. “Where are you going?”

I don’t have it in me to meet her eye. “I’ll just see Derek later,” I manage to croak, turning to leave before she has the chance to respond.

I rush by the reception desk, shuffle my feet anxiously as I wait for the elevator to arrive, and then jump inside once the doors open.

It isn’t until I’m safely shielded behind their closed door and on my way down to the bottom floor that I let the tears fall, letting them wash away the foolish daydream that urged me to come here today.


