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I shove those thoughts away.

They have no place in my life.

Not anymore.

“No,” I answer Austin’s question. “I’m not seeing anyone.”

“Then why not let me take you to dinner?” He graces me with a smile I’m sure makes women swoon. Austin is charming. There’s no denying that. And aside from our work connection, there’s no reason I shouldn’t accept his offer and let him take me on a date. Who knows? Maybe doing so will finally get me out of my romantic rut.

“You know what? You’re right.”

His eyes widen. “I am?”

I laugh at his shocked expression. “Yes.”

“So… you’ll go out with me?”


“Great.” His smile broadens. He resumes walking backward. “I’m going to leave before you have the chance to change your mind. We’ll discuss details when I come back on Monday.”

“Sounds good.” I smile and wave goodbye. “Have a good weekend.”

I’m still smiling as I slide into the driver’s seat of my Volkswagen Beetle. The used car was my first purchase after receiving my first “big girl” paycheck after college. And while my parents would much rather I bought something more equipped to handle the snowy Michigan winters, I chose this vehicle because I knew I could pay it off within a year. I love not having a car payment. It makes paying for trips that much easier, not that I’ve gone anywhere in the past two years besides Avery’s wedding.

But I have a European vacation all planned out; including which trains to take to which cities, and what sights to see whenI’m there. I just need to find the time to make the trip. And maybe convince one of my friends to come with me. Which will be hard considering most of them are married and have at least one child.

I’m only twenty-eight, but it seems like almost everyone I know is settled down. Other than my friend Holly, it feels like I’m the only single one.

All the more reason I’m glad I agreed to dinner with Austin. I’m not saying he’s going to be the love of my life—that position is unfortunately already filled—but I’ll never find someone to be with if I’m content to stay shut in my apartment. And I do want to meet someone. Growing up, I watched my parents lean on each other for everything. I witnessed their love in happy times and in hard times. I want that for myself. I just need to let go of the idea of who I always wanted that to be… sooner rather than later.

The drive to the Lawsons takes longer than twenty minutes thanks to an accident on I-94. I’d text my mom the reason for my tardiness if it wouldn’t earn me a lecture about the dangers of texting and driving. I pull into the driveway at five minutes until seven. I throw the car in park and rush up the sidewalk as fast as my black work pumps and pencil skirt allow.

I walk into the red brick home that served as my second home growing up. The sound of laughter and boisterous conversation greets me. I’m relieved. With any luck, Mom will be too busy catching up with Aunt Julia and Uncle Eric to chastise me.

Another round of laughter travels through the home. I hang up my purse on one of the hooks in the entryway with a smile. My parents and the Lawsons always have a great time together. They’ve been best friends for longer than I’ve been alive. There was a time when I thought I had a friendship that rivaled theirs.Growing up, Derek and I had shared the same hobbies, took the same classes, and spent every Saturday night hanging out.

I’m not quite sure when I fell in love with Derek. Sparks didn’t suddenly fly between us when our hands touched one day. I wasn’t gazing at him when it hit me that my feelings for him were more than platonic.

I think my love for Derek has always been part of our relationship. I’ve always cared about him. Slowly, that affection turned romantic, and I found myself daydreaming of kissing him—of being his girlfriend.

It wasn’t until senior year that I was brave enough to try and see if he returned my feelings. But after months of fruitless subtle attempts, I decided to up the ante. When Hector Cantu asked me to prom, I said yes in the hopes that seeing me with another guy would make Derek realize he had feelings for me. I’m not proud of how that situation played out.

I can still see Derek’s shocked expression followed swiftly by hurt when he saw me and Hector walk out of my house. The next day, I apologized to both him and Kyle for ditching them for the star quarterback with no warning. Both of them said it was fine. And while Derek and I remained close, there was a notable tension between us after that fateful May evening. We kept in touch over the years, but as time passed, the distance between us grew so wide that we rarely spoke to each other outside of holidays and other random family events. I didn’t think we’d ever reconnect. I thought my childhood crush would forever remain unrequited and unfulfilled.

If only it had…


A jolt travels through my body. My heart starts to race as I recognize the voice, but there’s no way I’m right. Derek lives in California. I would know if he were here. Mom would’ve told me.

Convinced I imagined my former best friend’s voice, I turn and look at the staircase positioned to the left of the entryway. Shock renders me speechless as I take in the man who’s starred in my daydreams for so many years I’ve lost count.

Derek Lawson, software inventor and owner of a multi-million dollar tech company, stands in the middle of the stairs. He stares at me with an expression that looks just as surprised as I am. “Liv? I didn’t know you were coming to dinner tonight.”

I swallow down the lump of emotion threatening to choke me. “I could say the same about you.” On their own, my eyes rove over the man who simultaneously owns my heart while being the reason it’s still in shambles on the floor of a hotel lobby.

Gone is the tall, lanky boy and teenager I grew up with. In his place is a broad, confident young man who capitalized on his intelligence and drive to start his own company with our other best friend, Kyle.

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