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“I got it,” came the voice that I loved, the one that had whispered countless filthy things in my ear.

“Hi, Cam.” How was it possible that just his presence had my heart stuttering in my chest?

My eyes connected with his, and it was impossible to miss the way his gaze drifted down to my lips and then back up.

Like he wanted to kiss me.

Right here, in front of all our friends.

God, were we doing this? Was I really going to say yes? To…more?

“Hi, Princess.”

“Hey.” I cleared my throat. “Guess we should get inside, huh?”

He only hummed in response as Forest grabbed Audrey’s duffel and the other guys grabbed the rest of the bags from the car.

Locking it behind us, I walked the few steps up the porch to the gorgeous house—I didn’t want to know how we could all afford this, because it also looked giant.

“Audrey! Ella!” Sutton’s nose was pink and her hands were shoved into the pockets of her red flannel as we joined her on the deck. Her excitement was obvious as she wrapped us both up ina hug. “I’m so excited that you’re here!” Her voice grew low as she whispered, “Thanks for keeping me company. Four guys iswaytoo many.”

Cam chuckled behind us. “Imagine living in a frat house.”

“Not sure the football house is much better,” James cracked as he opened the door, and Forest rolled his eyes behind them as they all walked inside.

“Don’t stay out too long.” Forest kissed Sutton’s forehead before joining them.

“It really is cold out here,” Audrey agreed, rubbing her hands together. We hadn’t really piled the layers on since we’d been driving, but I was regretting not grabbing a scarf or something.

Sutton laughed. “Agreed. The house is already nice and toasty. The guys got a fire going and everything.”

“Ooh.” That sounded nice. Wasting no time, we shuffled in behind them.

“When did you guys get in?” I asked Sutton as we headed towards the living room.

“Only about an hour or so before you. Forest and I drove up together since we’re going to spend Christmas with his parents, and then the rest of the guys came up together.”

“That must be nice,” Audrey said with a lovesick smile. “Having someone to spend Christmas with.”

“Yeah.” Sutton sighed. “I’m really lucky.”

I wondered what that was like. To have someone to go through life with. To love.

Because I’d always had Audrey, but it wasn’t the same. And even past boyfriends, men whose names I didn’t even want to remember, I hadn’t loved them like that.

Like they were it.

Butwhat if?The thought danced around my brain, like an annoying fly I couldn’t quite swat away. But it took root; grew bigger and bigger. Like a pumpkin growing on the vine, I couldn’t stop it.What if I had someone like that?

I stopped myself before I thought about the next question.The one that I thought might be the undoing of me. I could admit that I liked him to myself, but any more than that…No.

“Yeah,” I finally mused. “You really are.”

Audrey had abandoned her coat and boots, and was warming herself by the fire when the guys came back into the room, plopping down on various couches and chairs.

“Your stuff is in the room at the end of the hall,” Forest offered. “Figured you two would want to share.”

