Page 13 of The Forever Promise

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“Are you losing again?” I asked.

“Oh myGod, Chloe, stop!” He threw down his controller and grabbed a cookie. From the number of crumbs on his comforter, it wasn’t his first. “This gamesucks. Bryce got me the version that hasn’t even been released yet, and it’s totally buggy. I keep getting knocked.”

I also grabbed a cookie and sank down next to him. “At least Chef made your favorite dessert.”

“Chef is the bomb. I’m so glad to be back.” Noah grinned as he ate. Through a mouthful, he said, “Dale said he has a surprise for me. Somethingalive. It’s coming tomorrow. Do you know anything about that?”

“Chew with your mouth closed, please! Ew.” I grimaced as he dropped a bite onto his lap, picked it up, and shoved it back into his mouth.

“And yes,” I continued, “I might know something about it. But like Dale said, it’s a surprise.” I hoped my brother loved having a puppy. Ialsohoped it was some sort of beast that would shed big globs of dog hair all over Bryce and his zillion-dollar suits. Not that I was holding a grudge or anything!

“Did you hear we have a curfew?” Noah picked up his controller again. “Nine o’clock. That totally sucks—no night fishing!”

“You shouldn’t be out past nine anyway.” I shrugged. “Better to get up early. But speaking of that, you need to check with Dale or one of the other staff members before you go anywhere or do anything—there’s a ton of reporters hanging around. Midge said one of them camped out on the island overnight.”

“Sick,” Noah said. “Did Bryce fight him?”

“No—the guards found him. I think he got arrested for trespassing or something.”

“Again,sick. Can you believe we live on a private island?” My brother started clicking the buttons on his controller crazy fast, already back into the game. “I can’t believe there’s reporters on boats watching us! How cool is that?!”

“Um, I don’t think it’s very cool. I feel bad for the family. They’re under a lot of pressure.”

He shrugged. “Do you think Bryce’s dad is going to jail? I never talked to the guy, but I heard he’s a jerk.”

“Noah.”I smacked his arm. “Don’t talk like that! Mr. Windsor is perfectly…nice.”

“That’s not what I heard.Iheard he’s a douche.”

“Noah Burke, do not use that word ever again!” I hopped up. “Where are you even hearing language like that?”

“Uh, first of all—you. Second of all, youdoremember Dad and Lydia, right?”

“Ugh, right.” My phone buzzed, and I glanced at it. As though Noah’s mention had summoned her, there was a text from Lydia.

Don’t hang up on me ever again,she wrote.Just remember that you owe us. I expect a phone call soon!Angry-face emoji.

I didn’t bother to text her back. What was I supposed to say?You want another million dollars to blow at the blackjack table—and keep yourself in booze and Menthol cigarettes? No problem, Lydia! And please tell Dad that Noah and I are doing just fine!

“Who was that?” Noah asked.

I sighed again. I had a feeling there was going to be a lot of sighing for the next few months. “No one,” I said. It was the truth.

* * *

After I said goodnight to Noah, I headed for Bryce’s primary suite. I hesitated outside the door. I felt sick, confused. Should I knock? Probably not—Bryce was likely still in a meeting. The curfew most certainly did not apply to His Highness!

I opened the door and stopped short. Bryce was already sprawled out on the bed, laptop at his side. He glanced at his watch. “You’re late,” he growled.

I checked the time on my phone. “It’s eight-fifty-nine. I’mearly.”

Bryce scowled at me. “Earlyis on time. On time is late. Andlateis unacceptable.”

“Well, I’m here now.” I tried to keep my tone light. He’d changed into sweats and a tight-fitting white T-shirt, all the better to outline his enormous, muscled chest.God help me!It seemed rude, a slap in the face, to have him look relaxed and cozy—to be within reach—when emotionally, we were so removed from each other we might as well have been a million miles apart.

My eyes roamed over his face, his shoulders, his long legs. It was a strange sensation to be near him again—I felt oddly relieved. It was like I’d been in the desert, dying of thirst, and someone had finally offered me a glass of water. A glass of poisoned water. Butoh man, would it feel good to drink it!

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. We’d been close once. It seemed impossible now that I’d ever been in a place where I could tell him the truth: I loved him. How had I ever been that brave? Or crazy?
