Page 44 of The Forever Promise

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A golf cart appeared, flying across the lawn. Jake Windsor was driving; Colby Windsor was holding on for dear life.

“You didwhat?” Bryce glared at her.

“Hey Bryce.HeyChloe.Olivia.” Jake parked right next to us and jumped out. Colby followed suit.

Olivia Jensen gave them a big grin. “Boys. Glad to see you made it on time.”

Colby scrubbed a hand across his face. “I could use some coffee.”

“I’ll get it for you.” Olivia hustled off immediately. “Cream?”

“And sugar!” Colby called. “Two sugars. Please ask Chef to make it extra-large. Thank you.”

He turned to us and scrubbed a hand across his face. “I’m hungover. Jake here beat me at cards last night, and the only way he could do it was by feeding me whiskey. He won from a drunk man. So cheap, bro. You should pay me back!”

“Nah.” Jake smiled. “Your body, your choice. You chose to get hammered. Not my responsibility to save you from the card gods.”

Both of Bryce’s brothers were tan and looked rested; they were dressed for a day at the beach in swim trunks and baseball hats. Both Jake and Colby looked more like fraternity brothers than actual adult billionaires.

As he watched Noah, Boss, and the trainer, Colby scratched his head. “No way that’s a puppy. Who’s the kid?”

“My brother, Noah,” I answered. “And Boss is a puppy—he’s only three months old.”

“He’s cute—your brother, I mean. The dog’s a beast.” Colby looked like a man dying from thirst in the desert as Olivia returned with his coffee. “God bless you, Olivia Jensen. I cannot cope with the world without caffeine.”

“I’ll drink to that.” She raised her refreshed iced coffee in a toast. “Now then, let’s get to business. Bryce and Chloe, I’dloveto get some pictures of you with Noah and the puppy. And then the five of you have a cabana reserved at your club. You need to go hang by the pool and get lunch. See and be seen. Get your picture taken. Getallthe pictures taken.”

“I have to work.” Bryce said it as though it was so obvious, it was annoying to have to say it out loud. “I don’t have time to ‘hang by the pool.’”

“Your father’s still your boss, right?” Olivia’s voice was firm. “This is his directive. He said you’d complain. Healsosaid you can work at the club.”

She took a step closer, softening her expression. “Think of it this way—this is crucial for the survival and, more importantly, thesuccessof your company. The public needs to see the next generation of Windsors as a family, as real people, even if your lifestyle’s completely out of reach. We actuallywantthem to see the lifestyle—it’s unattainable for most people, but it sure is fun to watch.”

“I don’t see the point of us frolicking at the pool club on a Tuesday when most people are hard at work. I don’t think it sends the right message,” Bryce said.

Olivia nodded. “I understand your point, but showing images of you with your family—with your adoring wife at your side—makes you relatable. That’s what we need, the human element. People don’t connect with your father. He’s out of touch. The public doesn’t love him.”

“I think it makesmelook out of touch to be flaunting my wealth.”

“That’s not what you’re doing.” She put a hand on his arm. “I’ve seen the pool club, and it’s not lavish. It’s old money. You were born into this lifestyle, just like a Kennedy. And you still work hard. We want everyday people to see you with your family becauseeveryonecan relate to family. We need to give them something to root for. We need them to fall in love with your and your brothers and get obsessed. I need them foaming at the mouth to see pictures of all of you at your cousin’s wedding. Please work with me, Bryce. I promise you won’t be sorry.”

She checked her phone. “Okay, I have a meeting with legal. The photographers are here onsite—they’re discreet, of course—and they’ve requested that Bryce and Chloe play with the puppy. They’ll be at the club, too, so keep that in mind. Also, Bryce and Chloe, you have exactly five minutes to change into your suits after this photo opportunity. Chloe, wear something tiny. That’ll keep Bryce at least somewhat happy.”

He glared at her, but she ignored it. She turned to Jake and Colby. “No ladies, you two. I mean it! Oh, here comes Daphne. You guys should be all set.”

“Daphne?” Jake, Bryce, and Colby looked at her in horror.

“I said thefiveof you were booked for the club. Weren’t you listening?” Olivia sashayed away before the men could object. “Don’t forget—both the authorized and the unauthorized photographers will be following you.Andthe security team. It’s going to be a production. Anyway, have fun and be good!”

Daphne power-walked toward us. She wore a long, white caftan, and her hair was up in a bun. The straps of her black bathing suit peeked through the top. Once again, I was struck by how pretty she looked— pregnancy agreed with her. “Hey guys.” She perched her enormous designer sunglasses atop her head. “Thank yousomuch for the invite. I’m bored to death since they shut down my social media. And Gene doesn’t want to leave the house, so.” She shrugged.

“How is the old man, anyway?” Colby asked.

“He’s preparing for the fight of his life,” she sighed. “The lawyers are telling him to expect a formal investigation and an indictment. The negotiations aren’t going well, and that’s in part because my husband is stubborn.” Daphne eyed Bryce. “You need to talk some sense into him.”

“I’ve been trying.” Bryce reached for my hand. “He doesn’t want to listen to me, which isn’t anything new.”

“Try harder.” Daphne scowled.
