Page 49 of Sight Unseen

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We quickly jumped into action; this one looked like a lion.

It let out an ear-piercing roar before charging at Eros. Astra swooped down, pecking at its eyes to try and sway it from going after her person.

I quickly grabbed my mental rope, throwing it around Eros, causing him to vanish seconds before the lion collided with him.

Apollo turned my way, giving me an appreciative look before running to attack the now-confused demon.

I nocked an arrow, drawing it back to aim at its head, steadying myself until I had a clear shot. Once Apollo moved, I released, letting the arrow fly, hitting the lion in its shoulder, missing my original target. The scream it belted left my head pounding, making me lose control of my gift causing Eros to be visible once again.

“Fuck!” I screamed in frustration. “Eros, watch out, you're no longer incorporeal!”

My warning was a second too late; the lion swiped its paw down his back, swatting him out of the way like he weighed nothing. Eros landed with a thud a few feet away, face down, unmoving. Four huge gashes were running down the length of his back, blood freely running from the wound.

“NO!!!” I yelled, releasing arrows one after another into the loin. Pure rage filled my body, and I directed it all toward the creature that dared to harm my man.

I was still sending arrows flying into the lion's limp body when a hand grabbed my arm, stopping me.

“It’s dead, bunny, you killed it, it's over,” Atlas said, bringing me out of my blinding rage. I watched as the shadows bled into the night, leaving a pile of arrows in their wake.

“Eros,” I whispered, turning toward the man who held a part of my heart. Phoenix was at his side, carefully lifting Eros into his arms.

“Come on, firecracker, we will get him healed. You did amazing.” Apollo said, kissing me lightly on the forehead.

I watched as everyone headed back to the bus.

What did I do? I dropped my gift and let Eros get hurt. This is all my fault. Tears started streaming down my face as the realization hit.

Isarr stopped, turning to look at me.

This is not your fault, Diana. Let’s go home, and we will discuss the events that unfolded tonight.

“Okay,” I said, my voice shaky; I felt sick to my stomach.

Once I arrived back at the bus, everyone but Apollo, Atlas, and Isarr were already inside. No doubt they were waiting for me.

It felt like my feet were stuck in quicksand, not allowing me to cross the last twenty feet. The guilt I felt not allowing me to move, cause if I did, then I would see the damage I caused up close.

“Let’s go, firecracker! We need to get Eros to a healer!” Apollo shouted.

That comment knocked some sense into me, causing my feet to move forward, ready to face the consequences of allowing Eros to get hurt.

A loud pop behind me caused my feet to freeze. A look of horror crossed both the guys’ faces, and they simultaneously screamed my name and began running towards me, drawing their weapons.

Isarr was right beside them, teeth bared, growling viciously.

Diana! Move! NOW!

Isarr screamed in my head, followed by a low growl.

I slowly turned around to see what had made them all terrified and came face to face with the onyx eyes I’ve seen staring at me in every picture I’ve seen of the man.

“Lucifer,” I whispered, terror lacing my voice.

“It has been far too long, my little princess.” He said, a smile spreading across his face, showing a row of sparkling white teeth. “Time to go home now. Say goodbye to your little pets.”

Lucifer spun me around to face my guys before pulling me back against his hard chest. The tears streamed down my face as the realization of my situation hit hard. My arms were locked across my chest, not allowing me to reach my weapons, and Isarr was the closest to me but still too far away.

“I love you,” I whispered, looking between Apollo and Atlas. Their expressions turned to pure rage as they picked up speed in their need to get to me.

It was no use, though; I knew deep in my soul they wouldn’t reach me in time.

I heard their screams as the devil walked backward with me, stepping through a portal. My heart shattered as I watched it close, taking me away from the people I’ve come to love.

As soon as the portal closed, I could no longer hear Isarr’s scream in my head; the silence was torture.

I searched my mind for the theater linking Isarr’s soul to mine, coming up empty-handed. It was gone, along with the thread to my gift. My heart broke further for the loss of my familiar and the magic I had just come to explore.

“Welcome home, little princess,” Lucifer said, turning me to face the huge red and black castle that looked like it was on fire.

My vision swam, and the world spun as the reality of what just happened sunk in. I was lifted into Lucifer’s arms and pulled against his hard chest before the hellscape around me turned to black nothingness.
