Page 4 of Sinner's Vow

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A low chuckle rumbles from his chest when I continue my inspection until I’m fully satisfied he’s correct. But the shock of seeing him so covered seems to have brought me back to life, and I look up into Efrem’s blue eyes to find heat in his gaze.

It sets my stomach quivering. But “Let’s get cleaned up” is all he says.

I nod, and as he strips his pants, I get to work on my own clothes, ready to burn the damning pieces of clothing and my memories along with them. Efrem helps me into the shower, seeming unable to keep his hands off of me for more than a few moments at a time—as if needing to reassure himself that I’m okay, that I’m alive.

And I’m grateful because my legs are so weak from the amount of adrenaline I released that I don’t feel I can trust them.

The hot water is nothing shy of heavenly as it envelops me, and goosebumps prickle across my flesh the moment I step beneath the steaming rain. Efrem joins me a moment later, standing close so both of our bodies fit beneath the soft downpour.

The water runs a sickly pink as it swirls around my feet, and I know it’s the blood Efrem shed to save me. My heart aches with the intensity of my gratitude, and I want to show him just how much it means to me that he left Pyotr to come to save me. I know that must have gone against all his instincts, especially after hearing his story from Silvia.

Taking the soap from its cradle, I slowly work it over Efrem’s chest, allowing the suds to wash away the evidence of his violence. He rests his hands lightly on my hips, watching me with a hooded gaze as I clean him with meticulous care.

And then he does the same for me, kneading the soap over my skin as he scrubs me clean of the disgusting feel of Mikhail’s hands on my body. He lingers on the speckled bruises forming around my upper arms and wrists. Spots where Mikhail gripped me forcefully to stop me from attempting to warn Efrem and the Veles family about the ambush.

I see a flash of fury in Efrem’s eyes as his fingers brush gently over the discolored skin, like he wants to wash the pain away.

“I’m fine,” I murmur, pressing a hand to his chest and relishing the way his heart beats strong and steady beneath my palm.

Cupping my chin with soft fingers, he tips my face up to look at him, and his clear blue eyes search me for any untruth. Then his brows relax as he finds I mean what I said. With care, he wipes the salt from my face, washing away my tears with his water-soaked palms.

The tenderness with which he touches me makes my heart pound. And though I’ve been through a horrible experience, I find myself calm and at ease in Efrem’s presence.

More than that, I’m almost drunk with the relief of being safe after being scared senseless.

Using his shoulders for strength and balance, I rise onto my toes to press a kiss to Efrem’s lips. Strong arms surround me, sliding around my rib cage to hold me close to his chest as he responds with just as much overwhelming need.

Pulse pounding through my veins, I’m suddenly on fire, the heat of my desire for Efrem chasing the last lingering drops of icy shock from my system. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hop up to grip his hips with my thighs, and Efrem growls appreciatively as his hands shift to hold my legs firmly around his waist.

Then he turns, removing my body from the steaming water to press my back firmly against the cool stone of his shower wall.

“I want you, Efrem,” I breathe against his lips.

And he kisses me with a passion that sets my soul alight.

“I need you, Dani,” he rasps when our lips break apart.

The agony in his voice tells me everything he’s not saying. While he seemed so cool and calm and collected in the club, while he faced Mikhail down with a confidence that left me terrified of what he might be capable of, Efrem had been scared of losing me.

And if a shred of doubt lingered in my mind, I can feel it in the way he touches me now. As if each moment is a gift to be cherished. Each caress to be savored because he came too close to never holding me again.

“Make love to me,” I murmur, and it sends a thrill through my body to say those words.

Efrem groans, his lips consuming mine with desperate passion, and he guides his cock toward my entrance as he keeps my body firmly pressed against the wall. Throbbing with the need to feel him inside of me, I gasp as he enters me in one powerful thrust.

And the way he fills me so completely makes my heart pound with lust. Efrem is the man I crave, the only one who makes me whole, and it feels so good to have him claim me, to assure me that I’m his no matter what.

The pace and force with which he rocks inside me are adamant, almost desperate, and yet filled with a deep emotion that brings tears to my eyes. It feels so good to have his body surrounding me, the earthy, masculine scent of him filling my nose. The heat that radiates from his muscular chest makes my nipples pucker in contrast to the cool stone at my back.

And as he penetrates me deeply, he finds my clit with each tantalizing thrust.

“Ya lyublyu tebya, Dani. Ya tak sil’no tebya lyublyu.”

I don’t know what he said, but I can feel the meaning of his words in my bones. The depth of his emotion sends me toppling into bliss. Crying out, I fall apart around him, my pussy throbbing as I milk his cock. Clit twitching, I gasp as I cling to him, my teeth pressing lightly into the skin of his shoulder as my body tingles with relief.

Efrem shivers violently, his breaths growing labored as his movement slows so he can feel my sinful ecstasy. Each time he moves inside me, he wakes another wave of euphoria, and my walls flutter with aftershocks again and again, my pussy tightening around him as I crave more.

Only after I’m completely satisfied and limp in his arms does he pull away from the wall to turn the shower off. I can feel him still hard and thick inside me, and I know we’re not done. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as he holds me against him, his motions awakening my hunger once again.
